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The next morning, as the sun painted the sky with pink and orange hues, Yoongi and Y/n drove to the small, fancy village where Hyejin, Y/n's long-lost grandmother, lived in a grand house. The atmosphere in the car was tense, unanswered questions hanging in the air.

Arriving at the village, they faced the door of Hyejin's residence. Yoongi hesitated at the entrance, a bit uncomfortable. Y/n felt a mix of anticipation and excitement, childhood memories rushing back.

As they entered, Hyejin appeared from the elegant hallway, eyes widening in recognition. "Y/n? Is it really you?" she exclaimed, rushing forward for a long-awaited embrace.

Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes as she hugged her grandmother. "I've missed you, Grandma Hyejin."

After the emotional reunion, they settled in the luxurious living room. Yoongi, visibly uneasy, glanced at Y/n before clearing his throat. "Hyejin, we need to talk. It's about a protection agreement."

Hyejin's face turned serious, acknowledging the weight of the conversation. "I knew this day would come," she murmured.

Yoongi explained the terms of the agreement, revealing the connection between Hyejin and his grandfather. Y/n listened in disbelief, changing her understanding of her own history.

Hyejin sighed and told Y/n the story how years ago, before Yoongi's grandfather got involved in the mafia, he was friends with Hyejin. Back then, he was struggling financially and asked Hyejin for money. In return, he promised to do anything for her. Hyejin, concerned for her son's child Y/n, who was growing up with health issues, asked him to ensure the safety of the child. As Yoongi's grandfather passed away, this "protection agreement" responsibility was passed on to Yoongi.

Y/n, bewildered, turned to Yoongi for an explanation. "So, you're just here because of some agreement?"

Yoongi met her gaze, his expression cold. "Yes, I'm here to fulfill a promise made long before either of us existed in each other's lives."

Hyejin intervened, "But, dear, promises can evolve. Sometimes, they become more than just obligations. Yoongi, do you truly see Y/n only as a duty?"

Yoongi hesitated, caught off guard by the unexpected turn of the conversation. "I... It was never about love. Just a duty."

Y/n, hurt and angry, stood up. "I can't believe this. I thought there was something real between us."

As Y/n stormed out, Hyejin cast a disapproving look at Yoongi. "You may have entered into this arrangement as a duty, but life has a way of complicating things. Don't dismiss what could grow between you two."

Yoongi, left alone with his thoughts, grappled with the unexpected complexities of the situation, questioning the path he had set himself on.

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