The Good Side

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* ♰✮☽✮♰ *

You'll never forget the feeling of being burned at the stake.

You'll never forget the screams of the villagers as they watched you and your best friends burn at the mere age of thirteen.

You'll never forget the feeling of burning alive turning inwards as the burnt skin on your wrist was cut open and the venom spread through you faster than the fire could lick away at your flesh.

You'll never forget how bright the sun was when you opened your eyes, or how sweet the blood of the people who'd killed you smelled, or how delectable it tasted.

And you'll certainly never forget the realization that Alec and Jane were gone.

You knew you couldn't stay, becuase if someone else were to come along and see you as the only seemingly alive person in the village, all blame would be on you. And you couldn't have that.

So you ran.

You ran for hours.

Hours turned into days.

Days turned into years.

Years into decades.

You never stopped, because there was nothing stopping you.

It took you nearly a decade to find out what you'd become. To figure out why you couldn't be around another living being with a pulse or blood running through their system.

It took you another decade to control it enough to be around anything with a heartbeat.

You stopped running in the year 1912 when you met a particularly unique vampire-- one who strayed from human blood entirely, and whose eyes were more golden than the sun you longed to feel against your skin.

He knew what you were right away. Your eyes weren't bright a red as they once were, but if one were to look close enough, they would see the red hue instead of the brown you insisted they were.

You were much older than him, you knew that, but he still had much to teach you. He taught you how to feed on animals instead of humans, how to hold your breath, how to act alive.

Together, the two of built a coven.

Carlisle turned a boy named Edward Masen at the request of his dying mother, and you took to him right away. He became the brother you wish you had, the one you could tell anything to.

Carlisle then turned Esme Platt, and you recognized her as one of Carlisle's patients back when you'd first met him. They soon fell in love, and your heart became fuller.

Next was Rosalie, followed by Emmett, and then Alice and Jasper.

At the end of it all, you felt content. You had a family, as odd and unpredictable as they may be.

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