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love affair - umi

Blowing out the candles on her cake, Ziora officially turns 20 years old. Surrounded by her friends, boyfriend, and her cousin, a smile plasters itself on the girl's face.

"Happy birthday baby." Khalid says, kissing her lips as she pokes them out.

Maddie pokes her bottom lip out at the couple as they start to cut the cake. Across from her is Taehyung, standing as he sorts through the pictures on his camera. He looks up from it for a second catching her eyes, looking back down, and smiling at the realization.

"Aww, you remembered to get it marbled?" Ziora asks as she hugs onto her boyfriend.

"Yeah, thanks to Maddie, I almost ordered it vanilla." He admits as he chuckles.

He passes Ziora the first slice of cake and feeds her the first bite. The room fills with 'aws' and he tells everyone to grab their slices.

Grabbing his slice, Taehyung goes to sit at the table with Ziora, Khalid, and Maddie.

"Hey. Happy birthday again Ziora." He says, sitting directly next to Maddie. "And this cake is so good."

Ziora nods as she covers her mouth to hide her chewing. "Thank you, and I know, Walmart sheet cakes are just superior." Maddie hums and nods in agreement as Khalid nods with her.

Swallowing his cake, Taehyung nudges Maddie and begins to talk quietly. "Did you wanna come over to my house after this?"

Cheesing, Maddie nods, making eye contact with the boy. She feels like a little girl with a crush whenever she's around him, and he's not even doing much.

"Okay." he says, smirking.

Everyone finishes their cake in 5 minutes and soon enough, Ziora opens her gifts. After her friends go first it's time for her inner circle.

Taehyung hands her a beige bag and wishes her a happy birthday once more as she takes out the stuffing paper.

"Oh my god. This is exactly why we just click." Ziora says as she takes the top off of one of her candles, smelling it and throwing her head back. "Thank you so much."

She sniffs the other 6 candles and hugs Taehyung, thanking him once more. He knows she loves candles and specifically knows she was complaining about not having a variety of them. So he got her 6 candles from Bath and Body Works.

"Me next." Maddie says, handing her cousin a bag.

"I love you." Ziora says.

There's a makeup palette, a pack of 3 Fenty glosses, candy, and a pair of Crocs that she wanted for work. Maddie smiles as she looks at everything in the bag and her cousin squeezes her.

"My turn." Khalid says as he pulls out a small bag.

She hesitantly takes the bag and immediately goes for the small long box. In it lies a gold necklace with his initial along with hers on it.

Her mouth drops open as she looks at it, it's super pretty and she mentioned wanting something like this a couple of weeks ago, it's a small gesture that means a lot to her. She kisses her boyfriend again as they say 'I love you' to one another.

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