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reflections - the neighbourhood

Taehyung knocks at Maddie's door.

He wants to talk to her, about everything. From his birthday, the near kiss in summer, and to the Friday before the party. He wants to tell her how she's been on his mind.

He needs to.

The door is answered, but by the literal last person he'd like to see. There Jordan stands, shirtless, crossing his arms, and poking his tongue in his cheek.

"Is Maddie awake? I kinda need to talk to her." he says nonchalantly.

At this point, he doesn't care about Jordan. Maybe hearing what Taehyung has to say will change her mind.

"No, she's asleep." he steps out the door frame into the hallway and closes the door. "Let's chat."

Taehyung looks at him screwing his face up, looking him up and down. Truly not in the mood for this.

"Now I thought Maddie told you she didn't need to talk." he tells Taehyung as he leans against the door, his eyes shooting daggers at him.

"She did. But I want to talk to her anyway." he looks him in the eyes, not giving a fuck about Jordan's attitude.

"Look I'm gonna be honest, it's obvious you like her but ain't shit gonna happen between y'all. I'm in the picture."

"Yet you're out here fucking your ex. How fucking romantic is that?" he scoffs.

"Point is we're together now and I'll be damned if you over here making moves on her."

Taehyung squints his eyes at the man in front of him and runs his tongue against his cheek.

Gotta be a fucking joke. I hope it's a joke.

"Interesting you care now. Didn't seem to mind not having a label before."

Jordan gets closer to Taehyung and invades his personal space.

"I suggest you stop talking to her. She's with me and nothing between y'all is gonna happen."

Jordan is taller than Taehyung, but that doesn't scare him a bit.

"And what exactly are you gonna do if I don't? Matter of fact, let's tell her what you're saying and see who she picks."

Taehyung goes to open the door Jordan pushes him, making Taehyung irritated enough to push him back and get in his face now, officially pissed off.

He's not gonna fight this man. He can't fight this man. Not when he can see her tomorrow and he'll be long gone. And especially not when you can get kicked out of the dorms for fighting in them.

He backs away slowly to go upstairs, ignoring Jordan still staring at him. He gets inside his suite and closes the door behind him.

Walking to his bedroom, he pulls his phone out, quick to text Maddie.

Can we talk tomorrow?
Idc if it's in the morning or after class I just need to

Maddie 💜
Nice try.
Don't worry, next time you text her phone I'll send you a picture of me fucking her so you get the hint.

He licks his lips and lays back down in his bed, going back to sleep to ease his irritation.


On Monday, Taehyung is in class, Taehyung sipping his monster energy drink.

He couldn't seem to go to sleep after yesterday, his thoughts were screaming at him, keeping him awake until 3am. He rubs his eyes for what seems like the 100th time today and puts his head down on the table.

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