Chapter Three: The Bounty

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Aiden walks outside the hotel and looks at the bounty board. "What bounty should we take today." He spoke to himself while waiting for his brother. Dilo walks out yawning. "I'm so bored" he complained to Aiden. The older brother got a little annoyed "Dilo please you're always bored. Im not even exaggerating. You complain all the time, every day all day." He sighed and placed his hand on Dilo's shoulder. "Im sorry. Just please work on that." Dilo nods, a little shocked he said that. "I'm sorry," he said looking down and clutching his right arm. Aiden sighs and looks at a bounty titled 'Cursed Graveyard'. Aiden was intrigued and picked it up reading it to himself. Dilo, a little nervous pipes up "We don't have good weapons yet!" he yells trying to talk his brother out of a bounty. He hated monsters, scared of them. Unlike his brother who was used to them.

"Dilo, please. We need the money, and our weapons are fine. We'll be fine" he takes the bounty and walks to the truck. Dilo is close behind. "Fine." said the youngest as he got into the passenger seat. Aiden got in and started the engine. "We might find Mom if we do these," he spoke honestly as he drove to the destination. When they got there, the fog was thick and the wind blew heavily. Groans could be heard from just up ahead, screams in the distance, and growls from the woods, this place was disturbing to the sight. Aiden looks around a bit. "Ok then," he said as he grabbed his guns. He grabbed his pistol and his rifle. Dilo grabbed his war axe and auto rifle. "Ready?" he asked the older male. Aiden nodded and started walking into the fog with his baby brother close behind.

Dilo felt a touch on his back. With that, the young boy whipped around with his axe slicing a monster in half. "What the!?" he yelled in fear. He turned around to his brother who was now gone. He couldn't see him due to the thick fog. "Aiden!" he yelled, trying to locate his brother. Adin looks around hearing his brother's voice. "Dilo don't worry about me. I'm fine. Just protect yourself right now!" he yelled as he fought off creatures that approached him. Dilo struggled as he was getting cornered by cursed creatures. He swung his axe helplessly in fear. Aiden was desperately trying to find his brother. Both brothers wander around killing enemies as they go. "Dilo!" Aiden belted out trying to find him. Dilo cries out helplessly, getting attacked by a werewolf, trying to fight off the beast with only an axe. The beast growls as Dilo forces his axe through the monster's head, killing it.

"Aiden. There's a light up ahead. Let's meet there!" The youngest yelled out to his brother. Aiden hears this and screams out. "I'll meet you there!" Aiden runs to the light, dilo as well. They end up getting there. "What are we supposed to do here?" he asked a bit confused. The brothers run into each other, screaming in fear but laugh it off when they realize it was each other. Aiden chuckled softly "You scared me bro." he looked at his brother in the eyes "Are you ok?" he asked in a concerned manner. Dilo looks up at him with tears in his eyes, he is injured with a large bite mark on his shoulder. He whines as he feels his thick, warm blood drip down his arm. He was terrified and hurt. Aiden sighs sadly "I'm sorry Dilo, I couldn't protect you, I'm so sorry" Tears fall from his eyes as he feels guilt for what has happened. Aiden held his brother close," I should have listened to you earlier but I thought we would find Mom. Im so sorry Dilo."

They sit on what looked like a ring of stones, Dilo groaned in pain as his blood dripped onto the large stones. The fog was still thick and it started to rain. Grumbles came from deep inside the ring that turned out to be a well. The brothers jump up and look at the ring which turned out to be a large stone well. "What the hell?" Asked Dilo. "why is it in the middle of a cemetery?" he yelped in fear and well as confusion. He was filled with a lot of emotion right now. He was scared and overwhelmed. Aiden sighs heavily as he rubs Dilo's back. "It's going to be ok Dilo, we got this, we will find Mom I promise."

A large growl shook the ground beneath them as the earth started to crack below their feet. Dilo yelps in fear and backs up, falling on the ground, staring at the large figure coming out of the well. The fog started to clear, revealing a large red and yellow serpent. Aiden stood in front of his brother ready to fight. "You ok Dilo?" he concerningly asked, glancing back at his brother. Dilo looks up at him "I'm fine Aiden. Just a bit scared." Said the young man as he got up, clenching his arm.

The serpent snapped its large jaws at the brothers, hissing loudly. The breath of this beat was foul. This made Aiden and Dilo nauseous but Aiden stood his ground, protecting his brother. "Bring it on beast!" He yelled, loading his twin pistols. "You better be able to fight Dilo!" He glared at Dilo. He looks at Aiden, swiftly grabbing his sword from its sheath behind his back. "I can fight with one hand," he smirks as he charges the serpent, slicing its scales with his blade. Dark rich blood dripped onto his blade as the scales sliced open. The serpent roars in pain as he snaps at Dilo's jumps, just missing the large fangs of the beast. "Woah that was close. " he pants heavily, shaking softly as Aiden shoots at the snake, blowing its left eye out.

Both brothers stand in front of the monster. A loud hiss came from the monster that was covered in blood. Aiden shot a series of shots into the mouth of the monster. He was killing it from the inside out. Dilo laughs maniacally, covering his eyes with his hands. It looked like he loved seeing it die. Aiden looks at him a bit concerned and a bit terrified. "Dilo?" he asked as he gently touched his brother's back. Dilo was shaking as he laughed, he looked psychotic. Aiden tried to calm him down but nothing worked. He then punched Dilo in the stomach hard. "This is for the best for now Dilo." His younger brother fell to the ground, limp. The fog cleared and the body of the serpent fell back into the well. Footsteps could be heard in the distance. Aiden whipped around to see what it was. It was two young women in tribal dresses. A woman with long silky silver hair walks over. "We thank you for helping us," she spoke softly and she stepped closer. "Thank you for accepting our request, and you killed the beast. We have your reward."

She walks forward with a small chest and a teen girl. "This is Liz, she will help you along your journey. She is our strongest warrior." The small teen looks up at the brothers. Aiden looked confused as he looked at the young woman "Ma'am we don't need a third person. We are fine the way we are." The woman rolls her eyes, "By the sight, I see that your brother is almost dead. I think you do." Said the older woman, her voice stern and motherly. "You got a point, he can't fight in this state." He picks up his brother. "Do you have a medicine kit at all?" he asked softly, looking out for his brother's health. The woman led him to a small village. "This is our home." she motions to her hand to the small number of houses and farms. Small children were running around with kites, dogs were barking and playing as the smell of the farmed earth wafted through the soft breeze. Women were farming produce and a few males were making weapons in a blacksmith. It was a small serene area, it seemed peaceful and danger-free. The woman led Aiden to her hut, "I have a request." she sat down and pulled out a large chest. "How bad is the wound?" she asked as she opened the chest and looked up at Aiden who lay his brother down on the couch. The woman treated the wound while Aiden watched, feeling guilty.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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