Chapter One: Past To Present

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Aiden laid back on his bed, watching as his mother brought in his baby brother for bed. He smiled a bit and watched curiously as he was laid in his crib. Wrapping his arms around his pillow, blue optics focused on the crib diagonal from his bed. Both were waiting for their father to come in after their mother to say goodnight. Soon a taller figure than their mother appeared in the doorway. The figure had a good bit of muscle but soon came into the dim light of the bedroom.

The boys' father stood in the doorway as he waited for their mother to finish tucking the boys in. She gave them each a light kiss on the forehead before heading towards the doorway, kissing their father’s jawline lightly before going off to their bedroom. The boys’ father entered the room and then smiled softly at Aiden. Leaning into the bed to kiss his forehead. “Sweet dreams kiddo, look after your brother for me.” He spoke softly before standing straight again and looking at the crib. Dilo was sleeping soundly in his crib. He made little squeaks in his sleep as he dreamt away.

Aiden watched their dad gently run a hand over Dilo's hair. Slowly his eyes began to close as Aiden drifted into sleep. Starting a dream of his own. Both boys and their parents slept peacefully until a disturbance arose in the small Colorado house. The lights in the boys' room began to flicker, and Aiden's eyes started to open slowly.

A tall dark figure stood in front of Dilo's crib, seeming to hover over the younger of the two. Aiden's eyes blinked as he tilted his head a bit. He sank a bit into his bed as his blue optics focused on the frightening shadow figure. The small boy started to cry due to being disturbed. The figure stood in silence and it got closer to Dilo. The figure was now inches away from the small child making a hiss-like sound.

Aiden continued to watch as he heard his brother begin to cry. He heard his parents shuffling around in their room to the sound of Dilo's cries. Soon their mother appeared in the room and the light flipped on, causing the creature to whip around to face her. The creature started to growl and what sounded like a scream due to the woman walking in. Dilo started to toss and turn and still cry due to his ears being sensitive to the abnormal sounds from the figure.

Their mom saw the figure of the creature and then ran over to try and grab Dilo, but the creature stopped her quickly, throwing her into the wall. Aiden jumped and ducked a bit more under his covers. A small whimper escaped him as he heard his mother groan in pain. The thud caused their father to race into the room and at the sight of their mother, a spark grew in their father's eyes. The creature tried to touch Dilo but their father stopped it and the creature was now pissed. It screamed and growled as it attacked our father taking him to the ground.

Aiden sat in his bed, drowned in fear as he watched the whole situation. Watching it happen, but still being a bit too young to fully process what was happening. He knew that the creature meant harm, and he didn’t know what to do. But his brain was telling him that they needed to run. The boy's mother looked at Aiden and ran to him whispering "Grab your brother and run." She said as she made a distraction for the creature who fell for it.

Aiden listened to his mother and then got out of his bed, he went over to Dilo’s crib and reached in. He was just big enough to grab him out of it. Once he had him he ran downstairs with him. He then grabbed the backpack with Dilo’s stuff in it and started making a run for it. His mother yelled, "Don't look back!" She yelled loud enough for him to hear. The house caught flames and screams could be heard from inside.

Aiden felt the heat of the house engulfing into flames and then he kept running. Not even looking back. The backpack hit his back as he ran. He ran into town and then got to one of the nearby gas stations to just get themselves around other humans. Dilo was crying and started to wake up. A tall male walks up to the boys "Are you alone kid? Where's your parents?" He asked Aiden in concern.

Aiden holds Dilo close as he stands there catching his breath, seeing the taller male approach them and ask them questions. He nodded to being alone and then looked back at the door of the gas station. “They’re back at my house,” Adin said in a soft tone as his blue optics glanced up at the man. "You shouldn't be out here alone, kid. It's not safe" said the male as he looked around.

Aiden listened to the words that parted the male's mouth, frowning softly as he thought of how to word what he wanted to say. “My mom said to just take my brother and run away from the creature in our house,” Adin stated softly as he looked down at Dilo. "It's best to come with me. I'll keep you safe, I promise." Stated the male as he gave a reassuring smile. Dilo was finally calm and was sleeping soundly.

Once Aiden saw his brother was sound asleep he was unsure about going with the male. He hoped their parents would come looking for them, but he was too young to understand that they probably didn’t make it out of the house. “My mom said not to go with strangers,” Aiden said softly as he held his brother close and then stepped back.

"Kid, I understand that but the woods around here are full of dangerous creatures. It's best to stay out of sight. There is a hideaway behind the gas station behind some planks. It's best to stay there till your parents come back." Said the older male as he gave Aiden some food and drinks and walked away disappearing into the fog. As Aiden took the food and drinks he went to look up, but the man was already gone.

He looked around a bit and then wondered if the older male had been right. He didn't have a choice at the given moment. He didn't want to walk back to the house and have the creature possibly still be there. He put the food and drinks into the backpack before heading out of the gas station. we walked behind the gas station to see if the hideaway the male talked about was there. Aiden could hear bones cracking and sinister laughs coming from the woods nearby.

And a voice that somewhat sounded like their mother, "It's cold out here." Said the voice, but it wasn't cold out, it was a warm spring night, But someone or rather something was coming and fast. Aiden questioned the voice but then heard the rustling moving towards them. A gulp slipped down his throat as he went to turn back to the entrance of the gas station. A voice in the back of his mind told him "Don't get closer to the woods. Hide in the hideout immediately." The voice in his mind said in a warning tone.

Aiden listened to the voice in his head and then turned back away from the gas station, making up his mind as he searched around for the planks the man had spoken about. He soon found them and moved them to reveal the door to the hideout. As he entered a bright figure closed the door behind him to keep them safe.

Hearing the door close made Aiden a little on edge but he went deeper into the hideout as he securely held Dilo in his arms. He wanted to go home, and part of him wanted to believe this was another one of his bad dreams. A light turned on and an adult male was hiding there and he was in bed reading a book. Adin saw the man but then kept to himself as he found another bed. He laid down with Dilo and set the bag by his bed, staying quiet the entire time.

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