XVI - black is the new red

Start from the beginning

Danica turned towards Max, who nonchalantly stood amidst the snake den.

"Max, how did you even get in here?" she asked half-concerned.

Max flashed her a charming grin, taking her hand in his. "Ah, well, a little charm and a lot of audacity," he said with a playful wink. "But I couldn't resist the chance to steal a moment with you, my dear Danica." He lustfully eyed her up and down.

Rolling her eyes at him, she linked their arms together. "Let's go. We don't want to be late."

A subtle annoyance flickered across his features. Suppressing his disappointment with a forced smile, Max nodded in agreement.

"Of course," he said smoothly, masking his irritation with practiced charm. "Lead the way, my dear."

He leaned in slightly, his lips hovering dangerously close to hers. But before he could make his move, Danica shifted her head, causing his kiss to land awkwardly on the corner of her cheek.

"Sorry," she said, pulling away slightly. "I wouldn't want to smudge my makeup."

Max's expression tightened with a forced chuckle. "Right," he replied with frustration. "Wouldn't want to ruin your perfect appearance," he said under his breath as he turned his face forward to lead the way.

Danica couldn't shake off the feeling of heaviness that settled in her chest. The once-exciting event now felt like just another one of her family banquets, filled with fake smiles and forced pleasantries.

Beside her, Max's presence felt heavy, his arm linked with hers weighing her down further. She glanced at him, noticing the strained smile on his face.

As they neared the entrance to the ballroom, Danica's ears picked up on the murmur of voices, the sound growing louder with each step. She could feel the weight of eyes upon her, their gazes lingering as they took in her appearance. Despite her discomfort, she maintained a face of composure, her steps steady as she and Max crossed the threshold into the ballroom.

The grandeur of the Yule Ball welcomed them. The room was awash in a sea of colors, the flickering candlelight casting a warm glow over the opulent decorations. Danica's eyes swept over the scene, taking in the elegant tapestries adorning the walls and the intricate ice sculptures that glistened in the silver light.

She caught glimpses of familiar faces, their expressions ranging from genuine excitement to polite indifference.

Then she saw them. It was difficult not to. She almost scoffed at the sight.

Amidst the crowd in the middle of the dance floor, waltzed two figures.

Her stomach flipped.

Much like at the Slug Club, his curls looked stupidly perfect, it almost annoyed her. Regulus stepped with natural grace along the laminated floor, effortlessly drawing a small crowd's attention.

And no matter how much Danica would've liked to deny it, she was a part of that crowd.

His facial expression remained stoic, giving nothing away. Only once his partner stumbled, he sent her a look of polite concern.

His partner was Patricia, as expected. She wore a red dress.

Danica didn't mind it. Surely, it could be a coincidence. Annoying, but still a coincidence.

DANICA || REGULUS BLACKWhere stories live. Discover now