chapter fourteen *

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Mia's POV

The sterile white walls of the hospital always felt like a tomb to me. During my father's stay, I witnessed a mere shadow of the man he once was, his vibrant spirit dimmed by the harsh medications and the sterile environment.

The scent of alcohol and the constant coldness of the room seeped into my bones, leaving a permanent aversion in their wake. Now, the mere thought of a hospital sends shivers down my spine, its halls a forbidden zone I avoid like the plague.

The fluorescent lights cast an unnervingly glow over the white room. Just like in the movies, I sat there in the flimsy hospital gown, feeling strangely exposed and vulnerable. The only thing that wasn't like the movies was the doctor's excruciatingly slow pace.

A grueling hour and a half ticked by before Dr. Hernandez finally arrived to explain the procedure, dragging me further into this unsettling limbo. His tardiness amplified the anxieties swirling within me, making the lifeless room feel even more suffocating.

Jess's unexpected touch startled me—physical affection wasn't her usual way of expressing emotion. Yet, as Dr. Hernandez spoke of the procedure's risks, I found myself clinging to her hand. In that moment, her touch felt like a lifeline, a silent reassurance in the face of uncertainty. I allowed myself to be comforted by her gesture, a brief flicker of warmth in the sterile environment.

The next thing I knew, I was lying flat on my back, gazing upwards at the nurses hovering over me. A mask descended towards my face, obscuring my vision. Their voices, calm and reassuring, instructed me to count backwards from ten. Obediently, I began the countdown, the numbers echoing hollowly in my mind as I drifted away into a hazy oblivion.

10 ...

A knot of anxiety tightened in my stomach. The impending pain of the surgery loomed large, overshadowed only by my worry for Jess. How would she fare during this procedure? My mind raced with questions and fears, casting a heavy shadow over the sterile room.

9 ... 

8 ... 

My eyelids gently descend, shrouding my vision in darkness. My breath flows in and out, a soft rhythm against the silence of the room. The air, cool and refreshing, fills my lungs with each inhale.

7 ...

6 ...

As my consciousness drifted away, my last thought was inexplicably of Zayn. Images of him bathed in the spotlight, his voice soaring through the air, flickered through my mind before darkness engulfed my vision. The memory held no specific significance, but it felt comforting in a strange way, like an anchor before I plunged into the unknown.


Relief washed over me like a tidal wave as Dr. Hernandez announced the surgery's success. The weeks of worry and anxiety that had gnawed at me dissipated like smoke in the wind. Though the doctor insisted on a month and a half of bed rest, the prospect of recovery seemed infinitely more manageable now. 

Jess's daily visits, filled with updates on the shop and cheerful chatter, brightened my days and fueled my determination to heal. Her constant presence was a soothing balm, reminding me of the love and support that awaited me outside the confines of my apartment.

The ceiling leak reared its ugly head once more. This time, the repair crew identified the culprit: a ten-foot stretch of severely rusted pipe. Apparently, the initial "fix" was merely a temporary patch, a band-aid on a gaping wound. Now, a complete replacement was necessary to eliminate the problem for good.

The holiday season has been a boon for our little shop. We're thriving as a mom-and-pop shop, and the recognition doesn't stop there. We've even been nominated for a People's Choice Award in our category. Naturally, Jess will be representing us at the event, shining a light on our hard work and dedication. Though I'm unable to join her, the nomination fills me with immense pride and fuels our passion for what we do.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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