chapter four*

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Mia's POV

I should've known. Wali's accent gave it away, and i decided to ignore it. 

After attempting to flee, Wali came down and introduced him as her brother. Zayn reached out for a handshake, and i shook it this time. A shiver ran down my spine when our skin brushed against each other.

We waited in silence for Wali to get ready. I caught him glancing at me a few times, but he didn't speak, nor did i.

On our way to Zayn's gig, I sat in the back while he drove and Wali ride shotgun. To distract myself from the tension in the car, I start playing games on my phone. 

Does this mean that he doesn't have a girlfriend since he bought the flowers for Wali?  I questioned myself.

I don't think he does since he had sex with you weeks ago. I reply back. I keep my questions to myself until it's the right time to ask Wali.

My cheeks then became flushed with warmth. I can sense Zayn's gaze on me again. But i refuse to meet his eyes. Something in my stomach flutters as I shift in my seat, affected by his stare.

Don't look at him. 

Don't loo-

My curiosity got the best of me, and I glanced up, meeting his gaze in the mirror. I see the corner of his mouth curl up. A surge of energy courses through my blood and in the pit of my stomach. I quickly look somewhere else. Anywhere but at the visor. My cheeks are burning again.


Moments later, we pulled up to the bar. Zayn parked the car in the back, and Wali and I headed for the front entrance. Whereas, Zayn walked toward the back entrance of the bar, where one security guard was standing. We glanced at each other again, but only for a brief second.

After showing our IDs, the guards gave us three black cards each for free drinks. I kept one and gave my other two to Wali. I could get wasted tonight, but I need to watch out for her. Wali smiled at me radiantly, grateful for my generosity.

She's about to get drunk. I called it.

We both squeezed our way inside and made a beeline for the bar. The dim lighting and pounding music reminded me of the night I met Zayn.

The spotlight shone on the DJ hunched over his decks on the stage in the corner. His eyes glued to the mixing board. The air thrummed with the pulsing beats of R&B and hip hop music. The place was packed with people of all ages.

 I scanned the place, but Zayn was nowhere to be seen. After a few minutes, a couple left the bar, leaving us a space to squeeze in.

Wali waved at a bartender, and he made his way to us. She ordered our drinks while the music started fading out, and the DJ stepped down in front of his mixing board. 

He picked up the microphone and tapped it a few times. The chatter in the room began to subside. Everyone's attention turned to the DJ.

The DJ screamed, "ARE YOU READY FOR TONIGHT'S ENTERTAINMENT ?!" and the once-silent crowd erupted into screams. Fans of Zayn's at the front of the stage started chanting his name, and the frenzy continued for a good five minutes.

I didn't expect this to be so crazy. I've never heard of Zayn, thanks to my years-long social media hiatus. I can't believe how much love is in this room for him. It's a bit overwhelming.

"Welcome to the stage, Zayn Malik!" The DJ bellowed into the microphone, and the crowd went berserk.

The spotlight danced across the crowd, landing on Zayn as he made his way to the stage. It followed him like a loyal shadow, illuminating his every move.

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