chapter five

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Days Later ...

Mia's POV

"Have you googled him yet?" Amanda asked, making small talk. I restocked vases near the front doors as I shook my head no.


After the bar, I went home and searched his name on the internet, eager to learn more about the man who had intrigued me so deeply. His voice, his lyrics, his very aura seemed to exert a gravitational pull on me, drawing me in closer and closer.

I devoured everything I could find, from journal entries to newspaper articles, you name it. Because that what friends do now, right? We stalk each other to learn more about them without asking directly. Not that I'm afraid to ask him in person, of course.

However, when i clicked on any of his social media, it would prompt me to create an account. I didn't want to do that, so my investigation was cut short.

The only information I could glean from the internet was that Zayn is a year older than me (25), has a variety of likes and dislikes, and grew up in Bradford, UK.

Yeah-my investigator skills aren't so great. 

Zayn's success at twenty-five, with a flourishing career and a loving relationship with Wali, is admirable. His dedication and consistency over the years have paid off. It made me reflect on my own life.

I reminded Amanda that I don't have social media. She scoffed and said, "You'd have a husband by now if you did." My mouth dropped open in surprise.

Jess and Amanda, both older than me, and with husbands who golf together, had always pushed me towards getting a husband. They want me to find a partner who will take care of me physically and financially, such as paying all my bills or taking me on surprise vacations. 

Both Jess and Amanda's husbands make three times more money than me, so they don't need to work. Their husbands pay for everything.

But that's not what I want. I don't want to feel dependent on someone else. Every girl dreams of a prince charming to come and sweep her off her feet, but not me.

Am i wrong for thinking that?

"Let me see if I've got this straight..." Amanda said, looking up at the ceiling as she gathered her thoughts. "You don't want a man to pay your bills or surprise you with a new Louis Vuitton bag?" She looked at me with disbelief in her eyes.

I shook my head no, and her mouth dropped open. I shrugged and raised my eyebrows, unsure of what to say. I don't need to rely on a man like they do.

I put all my energy into building this shop instead of having a relationship with a man. Once they're not satisfied, they either complain or find comfort in another woman. Just like my last relationship, but that's a story for different time. 

Relationships are more exhausting than running a full-time floral shop.

"Maybe Zayn is something you need," she said softly, rearranging the on-sale section. A short laugh escaped my lips. "How can you be all work and no play?" She turns towards me, waiting for an answer. 

I ignored her question and began inspecting the ceiling. My gaze fixed on the small water stain just above our flower display.

Sighing in frustration, I quickly found the nearest bucket and placed it under the spot where I noticed a potential leak.

I had caught it early enough to prevent any major damage, but I knew I needed to call a contractor to fix it soon. I couldn't afford to have a leak ruin my business.

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