chapter one

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Mia's POV

My eyes flutter open hours later. My head is heavy and body is aching. I sat up and put a hand on my head. Tension pulsing against my temples. I rubbed it, hoping it would go away.

I look around and the only thing on my bed was my naked body and this thin blanket. I grab it and lift it over my breasts. Covering my exposed self.

Naked. It was real.

Flashback to me throwing my pillows and duvet cover off the bed because i was hot. Him thrusting inside of me is engraved in my mind. He made me come quicker than I've ever done before.

As I gaze at the empty side of the bed, I swear i felt him kiss my forehead before I drifted off to sleep. I laugh at the absurdity of the thought - no guy would ever do that, especially after a one-night stand.

I don't even know his name. This is horrible. Did i imagine all of it? I couldn't. He was unbelievable in bed.

His tattooed and toned body shape. Even though he had brown eyes, there was something about it that i couldn't put a finger on. Something familiar.

His thick English accent, irresistible smile, and long peni-

"Good, you're up." The male figure appeared at my bedroom doorway. He's holding 2 teacups. The strings hanging off their sides. I tightened my grip on the blanket.

His accent kissed my ears as i took in the sight of him.

He's half naked. Exposing his inked chest and grey sweatpants hanging off his hips. I couldn't help but to trail my eyes up and down his body. My mouth opened, drooling. Not literally but mentally.

He stood in front of me, tipping his cup towards his face and sipping the tea. Extending his hand out offering me the other cup. His eyes stayed on me while i grabbed it.

"I have work." I smelled the jasmine tea, wondering if he had put something in it. He flicked one of his eyebrows up and asked, "On a Sunday?". He lowers the cup and licks his bottom lip.

I nod and set my untouched teacup on the nightstand. Technically no, i have to meet my sister at the shop to talk about business. But i'm not going to tell that to a stranger.

"I'll walk you out." I stand while wrapping the blanket around my body. His dark eyes still fixated on me. He tilts the teacup up and drinks the remainder of the tea. I left before seeing him fix his hair and put on a t-shirt.

I can watch him all day if i can.

I meet him at the door with one hand gripping the blanket and the other hand extending out for a handshake. I'm not good with mornings after, so this is all i can muster up.

He takes a look at my hand and smiles ear to ear. "You're not really good at this, huh?" He takes my hand. I shiver under his touch. His breath.

I clear my throat and agree. He brings the back of my hand to his mouth and softly kisses it. Those eyes stare at me as i gulp. He looks down, and i notice how long his eyelashes are.

Watching his lips kiss my skin makes me want to drop this blanket and spend the day with him, repeating what we did last night.

The man lowers our hands and pulls me closer. His lips barely touch my ear as he whispers, "I'll call you." My legs almost gave out.

He leans back and kisses my forehead. Reaching for the door handle and -poof- gone. I remained here, waiting for the feeling to come back to my legs.

That man is dangerous, and i still don't know his name.

2 hours later

"Are you sure?" Jess, my older sister, asks one more time. I'm hunched over the toilet, knees on the ground, and both hands gripping my hair.

Last night's booze and food came out my mouth and into the toilet. I gasped for clean air as the last of it finally subsided.

"It's just the alcohol from last night." I reassure her. If I go to the hospital now, they would think I'm delusional again. Especially if i drank a lot last night.

It's just the alcohol. I tell myself.

I rise to my feet, wiping my mouth toilet paper. We are the only two in the floral shop since the close sign is up. Jess and I have both been running this shop ever since my dad passed away a couple of years ago. My mom went first.

"What is it that you want to tell me?" I ask, walking to the front counter.

The shop is flooded with natural light, thanks to its many windows. It creates an airy and spacious atmosphere. It's filled with vibrant colors of autumn and sweet scents of fresh flowers. The further most wall is lined with shelves of vases, pots, and other supplies. It's small, but it's mine.

She then explains to me how she has to go out of town for a couple of weeks. My eyes instantly light up.

She could tell I was excited by the way she walked around the other side of the counter, avoiding any physical contact.

Jess has always been like that, even when we were younger. She never liked physical touch. It makes her cringe.

"I want you to run the shop when I'm gone." I nearly screamed. My enthusiasm made me jump up and down, but her hands came up in front of her, as if to ward off my embrace.

I stopped jumping, catching my breath. A sharp pain pinches my stomach. I wrap my hand around my waist and wince in pain.

It has to be the alcohol.

Her eyes followed my every movement, furrowing her eyebrows. Her mouth opens, but i cut her off from saying anything.

"I-I'll tell the others and trust me .." Breathe. "You won't regret this." I smile up at her, teary-eyed. I've been waiting all my life for this moment. Waiting for this moment to prove that i am capable of doing this.

"If you manage to keep the shop alive while I'm gone ..." She grabs her bag off the counter. "I'll officially make you the owner." I gasp while bringing my hand to my mouth.

This is unreal.

"I'm leaving in two days," she said, walking to the door. She paused and turned to me. "Mia, please take care of yourself and take some Tylenol." Her head tilts in concern, and i nod.

Once she leaves, I run to the back and throw up again in the toilet.

God, if you can hear me. Get me through this, i will never drink ever again. Amen.


Let me know what you think !!!

If this chapter gets 2 votes, ill post chapter two !! ❤️ love youuuu

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