chapter two

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Mia's POV

Days later, Jess had given me tasks to do and numbers to call in order for the shop to run smoothly. I've been doing this since i was twenty. Four years later, you would think she'd have more faith in me.

We said our goodbyes at the airport and now i am driving back to the shop. Amanda, an employee, had texted me "A customer is here waiting to pick up an arrangement. But the office is locked."

Jess's faith went out the window as I immediately stepped on the gas pedal. I should have left the keys with Amanda. I didn't think that it would take this long since the shop is close to the airport.

How could i forget? This is my first day with the shop and i completely forgot that i have a pick up at 8 in the morning! Thank god, Jess left. She would be furious.

"I'll be there in 5." I hastily typed. Every red light felt like an eternity, mocking my urgency. It felt like the universe was out to get me, making the drive take forever with all the annoying delays.

I can only imagine what Jess would say. It would sound something like, "It's so irresponsible of you-" or "Do better." I knock the negative thoughts away and concentrated on driving.


"I am so sorry," I mumbled as I walked into the shop, making eye contact with Amanda. I glanced around for the customer, but there was no one in sight. She read my expression and said, "He went to the bathroom."

I nodded in gratitude and hurried to the back, unlocking the manager's office. Amanda followed close behind.

I'd asked her the name of the order and she emphasized, "Zayn with a Z." I pinpointed the flowers that contained a bouquet of blue Hydrangeas in a small glass vase, and placed it on the desk.

"I'll take care of the note. Go out and stall him." I said and she did, her relief palpable as she scurried out the door. I skimmed the order, then selected a small note card, i wrote in my best calligraphy:

I'm sorry for what happened, forgive me?

I assume he must be apologizing to his girlfriend. Like my mother always said, blue hydrangeas embody heartfelt emotions and forgiveness. It's perfect for an apology gift.

I smile at the thought of my mother, carefully placing the small note on top of the head of flowers. My first order on my first day of running this shop alone, and it was already brimming with unspoken stories.

I quickly snapped out of it when i hear Amanda's laughter coming from outside. Clutching the bouquet of flowers, I made my way towards the door.

As I drew closer, their voices grew louder. I stop in my tracks once i hear his accent.


As I cautiously advance, my heart pounding with a hope that the man is not the one from that night. My eyes widen as I take in the sight of both Amanda and him.

Those same brown eyes.

Those lips.

Moments of what he did to me nights ago replayed in my mind. His eyes were on Amanda, smiling. That same smile that i encountered before he left the morning after.

"Here they are." Amanda walks over and grabs the vase out of my hands. Pulling me back into reality. His eyes followed Amanda's movements, landing on me with a jolt of surprise.

For an instant, his eyes widened in disbelief, but then a grin blossomed across his face. His cheeks tinting a rosy hue. In that moment, I knew he remembered me. Remembered what we did.

How can he be smiling at me? I thought of the note and it stopped me from reminiscing about the past.

Fire grew inside. I roll my eyes, hoping he had seen.

He probably got caught cheating and is begging for her apology. Why am i angry about some guy? A guy that i barely spent a day with.

"We were just talking about you." Amanda placed the vase in front of him. I narrowed my gaze on him and asked, "Oh really?"

I highly doubt Zayn would have a conversation with Amanda about him fucking her boss. But still, i don't know him so i asked what they were conversing about before i interrupted.

"How you are now the owner of this shop." Amanda celebrates. Her eyes dart between us, sensing the animosity in the air. I refuse to meet her gaze, my vision consumed by rage and the man before me.

Typical men. He probably wasn't getting any pussy at home, so he went out and decided to get it from someone else. Someone being me. Ugh. Why are men such pigs?

"Zayn Malik." He extends his hand out over the counter. A friendly smile appears on his face again.

Beautiful pig. It's so unfair.

I scowled and refused to take his hand. "Mia Jay," I said coldly. "And I'm still co-owner until Jess returns." I addressed Amanda.


Zayn's hand dropped to his side as he acknowledged my refusal. He opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off. "Well, if thats it. It was nice to meet you." I gave him a fake smile. 

I utter "I hope she likes the flowers" in a dry tone, then make a 180 and head back to my office.

His voice calling my name echoed through the shop, but I was too late. I slammed the door shut and drew the blinds, plunging the room into darkness. I slumped into the chair and concentrated on my breathing.

I inhaled deeply, exhaling slowly. I placed a hand over my heart and commanded myself to breathe through the discomfort. My body felt weak, but I pushed through.

The chime of the front door signals his exit. A sigh of relief escapes my lips. Moments later, Amanda barges through the office door while turning on the lights.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Her hands on her hips. I continue my breathing and i let out a cough or two.

"I don't know what you're talking abou-"

"Don't bullshit me, Mia." Her sharp wit is reminiscent of Jess, which is amusing. "First, you don't want to tell me what happened the night we went out and now this?"

She refers to the night where i met Zayn. She looks at me with concern etched on her face, the words I have been holding back begin to tumble out of my mouth.

I tell her everything. I tell her what happened the night of and after. I tell her about the small note i made. She looked at me appalled. "He's hot but what a dick." She scuffs. I nod in agreement as i notification popped up on my phone.

The chime at the front door echoed through the shop as Amanda hurried out to greet the waiting customers. I open the text from a random number.

I didn't expect to see you there. I know what you're thinking.
Let me explain. This is Zayn btw.

I roll my eyes. A memory is Zayn whispering, "I'll call you", lingers in my head. I probably gave him my number when i was at the bar that night.

There's nothing to say. Delete my number.

I fired off a quick reply and flipped my phone over, ignoring his response. I opened the list of tasks Jess had given me and started calling the people I needed to. Burying myself in work so I wouldn't be tempted to talk to him.


What do you guys think? The picture above is what i think the floral shop looks like 😌

If this chapter gets 2 votes, I'll post chapter three. ❤️❤️

Thank you guys for the love ! I really appreciate it !!

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