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I changed the suit a little. Don't know why I outlined her in the glowy thing, but it's there. Anyway, she had boots.

I also edited this chapter. There were mistakes.

Gotham City

July 4th 2010, 12:00

Robin's signature laugh sounded as the batarang hit Mr. Freeze's ice ray.

Of course, Robin was beat by seconds as Fury quickly got the first physical hit.

She jumped from the ground and got a heel kick to Mr. Freeze's head, knocking him to the side and cracking his helmet slightly. Robin followed up with his signature shuriken–birdarang things, that further cracked Freeze's helmet.

"Oh, Fury and Boy Wonder. The Bat sent you two to drag me off to prison? Frankly, I'm underwhelmed." He raised his gun to shoot at the smirking duo.

"Great, but I'm kinda in a hurry here," Robin replied, earning an eye roll from his partner.

"Kids, always in—"

"He's not talking to you, dimwit," Fury cut him off with a grin.

She turned away from Batman taking down Freeze in favour of signing a kid's book. Fury was used to violence. It was practically her life, but sometimes she just liked putting smiles on kids than watching her honorary uncle take down criminals.

Besides, she was heading to camp for the summer soon and that would be more than enough violence for her. Even more so due to the fact that demigods went on quests, lost some limbs, got burnt by lava or kind of just had blood over them 24/7.

The trio nodded and then left the scene, after Fury kissed a little kid on the head—not noticing the small twitch of Robin's face—because they wanted her to and because it was adorable to see kids giggle happily.


Fury, Batman and Robin arrived and stood waiting for the others. Aquaman and Aqualad arrived soon after, both looking panicked, then confused and then relaxing. However, Fury caught the quick glance they shot at her.

She took a sigh of relief when she realised that they didn't figure out she was a demigod, but they had probably felt her power or something. Everyone says she has a very powerful sent.

8 minutes later and Fury, Batman, Robin, Green Arrow, Speedy, Aquaman and Aqualad stood in front of the Hall of Justice. The heroes were all waiting for the Flash and Kid Flash.

"Oh, man." The unmistakable sound of Kid Flash's voice originated from behind the group, and they all turned to look at the two speedsters.

"Fastest men alive, but always last. I'm staring to think that we need better speedsters," Fury remarked.

"Hilarious," KF deadpanned.

Fury rose a single unimpressed eyebrow at his ineffective sarcasm, a quirk she had picked up from a character in a book she had read with immense struggle (until her friend Annabeth somehow—through unknown ways—got her ancient Greek copies). The book was called Rangers Apprentice and the charcter was Halt, who reminded Fury of her uncle.

AN: I do reccomend the Rangers Apprentice book series. It is literally one of the best, in my opinion.

Besides the point, the group began walking towards the Hall of Justice. Reporters and camera shutters were clicking everywhere.

"Fury! Fury!"

Fury turned to the reporter with a raised eyebrow, a look of boredom on her face. The guy sweat nervously but still asked his question.

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