Chapter 6 Steven the Sword Fighter

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After the events of the previous day, Naruto had gone straight to Sasuke to talk about what he had seen and hopefully get advice about what to do next.

Sasuke - "Are you sure?" he asked, somewhat doubtfully.

Naruto - "For the thousandth time Yes! I could feel it, he had chakra practically leaking out of him!" he shouted exasperatedly at the unbelieving raven-haired shinobi.

Sasuke - "And you're sure it wasn't just the lighting?" he asked.

Naruto - "The Lighting?!" he shouted with an are you serious expression.

Sasuke - "Look I'm just saying this all seems farfetched, he hadn't shown any signs of unlocking his chakra before, why now of all times?" he asked.

Naruto - "How would I know?! One second, he's as old as lord 3rd then next, he's glowing blue."

Sasuke - "Look, just watch the kid and if he acts any differently than before we'll go from there."

Naruto - "Fine" he said before returning to Beach City with a yellow flash.


At beach city, it was raining outside, Lion was snoozing on the porch while Steven and the crystal gems were watching a movie inside. As the main character of the movie finished his lines Steven spoke up.

Steven - "Aw, Lonely blade you're so lonely!" he said from atop of Garnet's head until the plot twist of the movie came. "What! The Janitor is the evil Samurai-President! That's bananas!" he shouted, eyes fixated on the movie before Pearl spoke up.

Pearl - "Oh come one it was so obvious." she said before pointing towards the screen. "He's been moping in the background of every fight scene. Here he is on the cover of the box." she said before pulling out said box for Steven to see before the Two characters of the movie began to fight.

Steven - "Go lonely go! Do the boomerang blade!" he cheered excitedly.

Pearl - "Oh come on! Just look at their form! This is nothing like real sword fighting." he criticized, only to be mostly ignored by Steven.

Steven - "It's just a movie Pearl." he said before taking a bite of popcorn.

As they continued talking, Naruto walked through the front door with a box of donuts.

Steven - "Dad!" he shouted, sitting up to see his father.

Naruto - "Hi son, I just came by to check on you and bring you some breakfast, what're you doing?" he lied partially, though that was one of the reasons he came, he really just needed to make sure that he hadn't experienced any side effects from awakening his chakra.

Steven - "We were just watching Lonely Blade! Pearl said that it's not real sword fighting but I think it's cool!" he said enthusiastically, receiving a huff from Pearl.

Pearl - "That's because they aren't, if you ever want to see a demonstration of proper sword techniques, i'd be happy to show you." she said offhandedly before receiving a pat on the head from Steven, who appeared to have stars in his eyes.


Steven, Naruto, and the Crystal gems were currently in the sky arena.

Pearl - "All right, in order to give a proper demonstration, I'm going to need a sparring partner." she said with 2 blades in her hands.

Naruto - "Is this really a good idea?" he asked Garnet, concerned for Steven's safety, receiving a simple nod as a reply.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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