[22] Morning At Wayne Manor

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Ember didn't remember when was the last time she fell asleep so peacefully. Perhaps it was due to all the exhaustion kicking in or it was just the knowledge that she was safe despite staying over at a completely different place.

When she woke up in the morning, she felt refreshed rather than the usual tiredness that took hold of her each time she got ready to face her day. 

The Waynes had been very accommodating to her so far and she appreciated their warm hospitality. She had truly not expected that one day she would be waking up in Wayne Manor and getting ready to go to her office from there. 

Everything at the Manor was strikingly different from the girls' hostel she was accustomed to. The guest room she had been given was more than just spacious and even the bathroom seemed bigger than her accommodation at the hostel.

Lukewarm water touched her fingertips as she turned on the faucet, seeing the knob in the corner that could regulate temperature.

Truly, people who were as rich as the Waynes lived a life extremely different and much more luxurious than the average Gothamite.

By the time she came downstairs, she met Tim on the way who looked more awake than she had seen him last night. Apparently, he had been drugged to sleep the night prior so by morning, he was in slightly better spirits.

The same couldn't be said for his mood though. Without his morning coffee, his features were drawn together in a frown.

"Good morning," she spoke up, seeing him in the corridor.

He paused as if startled by the unfamiliar voice then turned to see her, trying to wipe off the disgruntled look from his face, "Oh... Good morning, Ember. Going down for breakfast?"

"Yes, I suppose."

"We have breakfast in the kitchen," he told her, "I was just heading that way too. You can come along."


They reached the kitchen where Richard and Damian were already having breakfast. Damian looked rather different in the casual shirt and pajamas while Richard was dressed in his uniform as he had to leave for work too.

Seeing her enter, Richard smiled, "Morning. Settle down, breakfast's ready!"

Ember knew it would take her some time to adjust but it was somewhat awkward for her how the Waynes, especially Richard, treated her as if she had been a part of the family the whole time. She knew he only did it out of habit and his genuinely kind nature but it still made her feel slightly flustered.

"Uh, I can just grab something ready and leave. I don't want to get late..."

"It's alright, I can drop you at your office as I am also going to Central Gotham," Richard was quick to offer, "the precinct station is nearby too. You'll have plenty of time to finish breakfast."

"Dickie, you gotta keep your big bro habits a tiny bit in control," Tim remarked, fetching his mug to fill it to the brim with coffee, "we are used to it, Ember isn't."

Realization flickered across the elder man's features, "Oh I am so sorry, I didn't mean to order you about. I just..."

"It's fine," she took her seat which was of course right next to Damian because Tim had taken the other available seat before she could do so. "But I do feel like you guys are getting burdened because of me."

"Not at all," Richard smiled, "but whenever you feel like we're getting too annoying for you, let us know."

Ember could only nod at the remark as her attention deviated to the delicious scrambled egg and cheese omelet that Alfred had just brought over. The dish was accompanied by toasted bread and freshly brewed coffee.

The aroma from it was so heavenly that Ember decided to stay and have breakfast. 

"You're a brilliant cook, Alfred," she complimented as she bit into the omelet sandwich, "this is heavenly."

"Appreciate the compliment, Miss Ember."

"Alfred is a heavenly blessing to us," Tim added, "neither of us would have been alive and kicking if not for him."

"Speak for yourself, Drake. It's a wonder you're alive and kicking as it is," Damian was quick to throw a snappy remark at him but stopped as he recalled that Ember was there too.

Tim chuckled seeing the look on Damian's face, "Sure, whatever you say."

That only caused Damian to finish his breakfast as quickly as possible and leave the kitchen before Tim could dare to tease him in front of Ember. Not long after he left it was time for Richard and Ember to leave as well.

"Where's Barbara?" Ember asked as they were heading out.

"She's at home."


"Oh... Well, I don't live here," Richard explained, leading the way to the garage where his car was parked, "Babs and I have our apartment in Robinson. I just came today for breakfast and also because I had to check up on you."

"See, I am burdening you guys," she remarked.

He shook his head, "No, you're not. It is my responsibility to make sure that you're safe. And the safest place I could think of was the Manor for you."

"And what about Evan? You said he is in witness protection too."

He nodded, "We're keeping him in a safehouse and two officers are continuously on duty to make sure that he doesn't come to any harm."


"It's just a matter of a few days," he spoke convincingly, "just until we get to the bottom of the case and have concrete evidence to arrest whoever is threatening you. After that, you will be free to go."

"And what about this whole situation about my relation to both the Ranaldinis and the Blackwoods? Do you think they will leave me be after the case is solved?"

A thoughtful frown creased his features, "to be honest, I don't know. We have to first find out the reason they are so bent on getting rid of you. Then we will have to make sure they don't get their way by keeping you safe and out of their reach. After that, comes the elimination of the threat. But that is a tricky matter and I can't say anything for certain just yet. All I can say is that I hope this will get over soon."

Silence gripped them after that conversation and they had almost reached Central Gotham by then. It was the busiest district so it was taking them some time to reach their respective destinations.

"Thank you for all you're doing for me," she spoke up at last, breaking the uncomfortable silence, "but if it ever gets too much, you should let me know too."

He turned to look at her briefly, blue eyes softening in that characteristic caring elder brother look, "Ember, I am just doing my duty. Don't feel that you're putting us up to any trouble, we have faced things twice more dangerous."

He was saying that to reassure her because by then, he knew she had a habit of blaming herself for things that went wrong or caused inconvenience to others.

Gotham Daily's office building came into view so Richard parked his car for her to get off there.

"Thanks for the ride. I will come back by subway, I can navigate my way to the Manor from the station," she told him.

"However you feel convenient. Text me when you get home."

"Okay, sure. Bye," she stepped out and made her way to the building where she had been attacked not long ago.

A chill ran down her spine but she tried to overcome it, knowing that she had to step in and report for work nevertheless.


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