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ok so this is the chapter where we are filming the Lacy mv so yea


I sat on a set in the desk and watched as more makeup people walked over to me. We were filming the music video for 'Lacy' and we had turned it into a love story. It started with me as a jock who Liv's shy character had a crush on. There were scenes where I would stare at her before looking away then Liv would stare at me.

Most of it was shot continuously so it would take a lot of tries. At one point I compliment her and she just brushes me off. Then at the climax of the song I am seen talking to another girl so Liv pulls me into a classroom and pushes me against the wall which is when it transitions to a bed where Liv and I have to make out on camera during "the angel dust" as Liv calls it. At the end of the video Liv and I are sitting at a table with the kids who are playing her friends when we subtly hold hands on the top of the table.

I was wearing my high school letterman's jacket and the makeup team touched up my makeup while the hair people picked up and placed strands on hair in certain places.

"Places please." We all shifted and I looked down at the fake homework. The director said action and the camera moved around me as I read the drawing prompt on the paper. They had told me to just fill out the paper and they would work around me. I drew about the prompt on the paper casually tracing my fang or bouncing my leg.

They took a lot of shots of my face and my skin, due to the lyrics before they called scene. I set down my pen and looked at my drawing and nodded satisfied with my work. The next scene would be the classroom where I would look at Liv before looking away.

The rest of the 'jocks' waited behind the camera. Action was yelled and I subtly turned, staring at Liv. She was drawing stars on her paper and the camera moved around me. I never broke my stare on her before I heard someone call look. I looked back at the people who had walked over to me turning my head so that my side profile could be seen by Liv. I felt her staring at me but I kept talking to the people I was with about the 'swim meet of friday'

"Cut!" I looked over at Liv who winked before getting up. I got up and watched the shot. The director made a few comments and I went back to my chair and we shot the scene again. After we had shot 5 tries I went to the snack table. I grabbed an apple and Liv walked over to me.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I smiled and wiped the apple on my shirt.

"Good, what about you?" She put a grape in her mouth and sighed.

"Good, I'm a bit nervous about the bed scene. You know because we have to makeout on camera." I laughed and bit into my apple.

"It's going to be ok." I said, I pat her on the shoulder and went to change into my next costume. I walked into my dressing room and changed into another outfit. We all stood in the hall and I sighed adjusting my backpack. It was full of actual textbooks and was hurting my shoulders.

"Action!" I turned down the hall and stared at Liv who was standing at an open locker. The camera was about a foot in front of me and I smiled gently. I walked past her and looked at some people who had waved at me. I turned and the camera stayed pointed at Liv. "Cut! Ok, let's watch back." We watched the shot and I nodded as Liv shook her head.

"Let's go again." She said walking back over to the locker. She opened it and took the books back out of her bag. I stood at the end of the hall and walked down again. We ran again and again until Liv was satisfied with the scene.

"Ok let's start the bed scene before we wrap for today." I sighed and walked over to Liv. She smiled weakly and I smiled back.

"Are you going to be ok?" I nodded and we moved to a room with a bed in it. The white sheets were lightly tousled and everyone poured into the room turning on the lights and checking the cameras.

We're a Bad Idea Right?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن