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I am very sorry that this chapter is pretty short

But I am also uploading daily and I'm going to switch to twice a week. Once on Sunday and once on Wednesday

I live in Washington state so mu time zone is PST  and I schedule the post for 16:00 or 4:00pm

But yea enjoy


I woke up and looked at Liv. She was still sleeping and the light from outside was streaming on her face through the blinds. I brushed the hair out of her face and kissed her forehead.

"I love you Liv." She started to stir, I smiled as her eyes fluttered open. She smiled and moved closer to me. I moved her onto my chest and she started outlining the hickeys on my neck and chest.

"Hey love," I looked at her back that was covered in small scratches.

"Yes?" Liv took a deep breath and kissed my chest.

"I love you so much." She said I smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"I love you more Liv Liv." She smiled and got up. I stared at her body and she got off the bed. "Where are you going?" She looked back at me and ran to the bathroom. I laughed and grabbed my phone. My manager had been calling me all night and people were spamming me with texts. "Oh fuck." I said opening instagram. There were two pictures of Liv and I kissing. The one at the bar and the one at the front door.

liv's hq: Liked by User354 and 1,983,238 others

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

liv's hq: Liked by User354 and 1,983,238 others

Y/n yln and Olivia seen kissing at Conans party last night!!!!!


User586: I'm excited they are together but I hate that this is how we find out ☹️


User903: If you look really close im getting run over by a car in the back🥰

User874: This just confirms that the song is about y/n

User158: The song is about second chances so does that mean they had dated in the past???

I scrolled through hundreds of posts about the pictures. I called my manager and he picked up immediately.

"Y/n you better be prepared for the absolute shit show you started with Liv's record." I started hyperventilating and nodded.

"She didn't lose the deal did she?" I looked over and grabbed her phone. There were even more notifications on hers.

"We won't know for sure until the single drops. If it does well she won't." Liv came out of the bathroom and I hung up the phone.

"Ok promise you won't freak out too much?" She nodded slowly and pulled on shorts and underwear. I showed her all the notifications on her phone and she ran to the kitchen.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck." She called her manager. I put on my pants and picked up a hoodie for Liv. I handed it to her as she listened to her manager lecturing her. "I know ok, and the only way I won't lose it is if the new album does well?" She started crying and I put my arms around her waist from behind.

"It's ok." I whispered into her other ear. She cried a little harder and I rubbed her arm. She finished up the call with her manager and I helped her pull the hoodie on.

"I'm sorry y/n. I shouldn't have kissed you." I shook my head and put my hands on the side of her face.

"It's not your fault. We will get through this." I said kissing her. She nodded and I hugged her. "And your album is going to smash records again." She smiled and looked up at me. "Ok?" She nodded and I kissed her.

"Thank you." I nodded and looked around at the kitchen. "Yea there's not much to work with here." I nodded and kissed her again.

"All my clothes are in my car." Liv nodded and let go of me. I put the rest of my clothes on and went down to the street. I stepped out onto the street and got bombarded with paparazzi. I pushed past people and opened the trunk of the car.

"Y/n give us a smile!" I looked down. "Y/n how long have you and Olivia been together?" I didn't answer. "Y/n can you tell us anything about the song that is rumored to be about you?" I pulled my suitcase out. "Y/n is Olivia going to come out?" I closed the trunk. "Y/n had you and Olivia been dating before she wrote her new single?" I locked the car. "Y/n have you and Olivia been together before?" The doorman held the door for me and I slipped inside. I went back upstairs and sighed when I closed the door.

"How was it?" I shuddered and she walked over and kissed me. "I'm sorry." I shook my head and hugged her.

"What has your manager said about coming out?" She sighed and I pulled away, rolling my suitcase to the bedroom.

"She said when I feel ready I can." I nodded and opened the suitcase. "I'm going to wait a while." I nodded and held her hand.

"Don't feel forced to come out." She nodded and I wiped her face. "It's all going to work out." She smiled and leaned into me.

"I don't deserve you y/n." I smiled and led Liv to the couch.

"Yes you do. You are Olivia fucking Rodrigo. You deserve the world." Liv sniffed and sat down on the couch. "I love you so fucking much baby." She sat on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I love you too pal." I laughed and pushed her off me.

"Pal." I said, making her smile. I put my hand on her face and she kissed it. "Do you want to doordash some food?" Liv nodded and I handed her my phone. "Get whatever you want." She nodded and I got up and went to the bathroom. When I was done I grabbed a new set of clothes and Liv was on her phone scrolling through the posts about us.

"God people work fast." She laughed and I smiled sitting next to her. We scrolled through all the posts until our food got there.

Ok bye

(1065 words)

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