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I had so much fun writing this chapter, I tried to make it sound as much like Brittany as I could

Ok bye also this chapter felt soooo long for no reason


"Welcome back to the Broski report, today we have something a little different: we have guests. Please welcome Spider-Woman also known as Gwen Stacy, and the queen of pop. Y/n yln and Olivia Rodrigo." She started clapping and turned to us. I waved and Liv did too. "So you guys, how are you feeling after everything went down? The song and the whole thing?" I looked at Liv
and she motioned with her head.

"Well, it hasn't been that bad honestly. We thought it would be worse, but all that I get on my feed is stuff about how we are not dating. But I've heard that there are edits and stuff." Brittany nodded and looked at the camera.

"I've seen the edits yall make of y/n, you dirty whores." She paused. "But I love them." We all laughed and Liv grabbed my hand under the table. "So y/n what is your reaction when you see edits of yourself come up on your feed?" I laughed and looked down.

"I save most of them to be fully honest." Brittany clamped her hand over her mouth. "I have a secret account and I use it to save edits of myself and Liv." I laughed and everyone else did too.

"Back to my original question before I got distracted with edits. What about you Olivia? How has this whole thing been for you?" I looked at her and squeezed her hand.

"It's been a little more scary for me honestly. I knew that people would have shit to say about me coming out, but I didn't think it would be this bad." I nodded and Brittany did too.

"So what kind of things do you guys have to do? Like what are the unseen secrets of a celeb relationship?" I cracked my neck and thought for a moment.

"Well, everything we do to address this has to be approved by our managers. But we can have date nights, and stuff like that." She nodded.

"So if the pictures weren't leaked how would you have come out as a couple?" I looked at Liv and she nodded.

"We were planning on just doing more public stuff like holding hands in public, letting the rumors start for about a month then casually mentioning it in an instagram post." Liv said I nodded and smiled.

"That's nice, so we don't have to dive too deep into this but Olivia you posted this picture on your story last night." She pulled up the picture and Liv started laughing. "Can you explain what was going on?" Liv laughed and put a hand over her face.

"Well, I was in the studio and we had just worked on a sad song so emotions were high and I saw a post about us and it just sent me off. I broke down and wanted to tell people that I don't like what they are saying so I posted it." I smiled and Liv looked at me.

"Well, if I'm going to be honest, I think that all of this is coming to a close. People are starting to care less because there is other celeb drama going on. Like the Taylor and Joe breaking up." I nodded and Liv nodded. "So I think I'm not sure about you guys, I think it's all coming to a close. And plus more and more people are starting to like you guys." I nodded and Liv squeezed my hand three times for 'I love you' I squeezed back four times for 'I love you too.'

"Yea I was really sad to hear about that." I said shifting in my seat.

"Well I have a question for you y/n about the live action Legends of Korra." I smiled and nodded. "We recently got some pictures of you on set. What can you tell us about that filming experience?"

"Well, almost none of the set was CG, so that was really fun. I just loved all my co-stars and the costumes were fun too." She nodded and pulled up the pictures. "Yep." I said with a laugh.

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