"Y'all are starting to irr —" I got cut off by wincing in pain, "It's back, it's back"

I put my head down and closed my eyes while breathing in and out. As I breathed, I felt somebody start rubbing my back.

This is insane.

Once the contraction was over, I grabbed my cup of ice. I started eating it before it was all gone and I sat it back down annoyed.

For some reason I'm just annoyed as hell. I don't want nobody in my face talking, touching, or looking at me.

I ended up closing my eyes and falling asleep while my contractions aren't active. After a while, the sound of everybody talking eventually woke me up.

My grandma is here and is very loud.

The time has went by a lot, it don't even feel like I was sleep for hours. I will say though, I'm energized but I'm still in pain.

"They say you at ten" my grandma said before I kind of started to get nervous

"For real?"

"Yes" I looked around seeing the doctors coming in with stuff ready

"It's time" mama Kia said excitedly while clapping, "I'm finna have my girl"

I just continued to look around in shock while watching everybody. I'm happy, but I'm frozen in place.

Once it was time to push, I felt the pain get more intense. It's getting hotter, louder, and I want everything to stop.

"Keep pushing, keep pushing" one of the nurses yelled out to me, "Give us a big push"

"I can't" I stopped while trying to catch my breath

"You doing good, mamas" Flau'jae said while fanning me with some paper, "Push baby"

"Keep pushing, Angel" mama Kia said before I shook my head no

I can't.

"You have to keep pushing — take deep breaths. Push on three, okay?" one of them said , "One, two, three"

I started back pushing as they continued encouraging me. It feels like I've been pushing forever and it hurts.

I keep thinking I'm getting ready to poop, but it's the baby. What if it really is poop?


"She right there" my mom yelled before Flau'jae went looking

They both were standing there all stuck as I continued to push. I took another short break before starting to push again.

"One more push" the doctor yelled before I did one last push and she was out

Thank you lord.

My skin tore so they stitched me up, and it hurt like hell. Everybody thinks I'm playing when I say I'm not have no more kids.

I'm not playing.

Everybody started clapping and all I could do was cry. I'm crying tears of joy, I can't believe this is reality.

The sound of Au'jaeuh's little cries filled the room.
I looked over seeing Flau'jae crying and everybody else just smiling happily

It's so many emotions in one room.

She came over to me hugging and kissing me as we wiped each others faces. I'm so blessed and highly favored to have a baby with the love of my life.

Thank you, God.

I watched as they did their normal procedures on the baby as she just cried her heart out. They eventually ended up putting Au'jaeuh on my chest and my heart stopped.

"She is beautiful, congratulations parents and grandparents" the doctor said before we all responded in unison

"Baby girl is five pounds and eight ounces" another doctor said which sort of took me by surprise

The doctors left and we continued to do skin to skin before Flau'jae did skin to skin. They ended up coming back and taking Au'jaeuh to run tests on her.

"When they bringing her back?" Flau'jae asked out loud to anybody before receiving a shrug, "I miss her already"

"Whenever they finish with her, unless they find something wrong" my grandma said before I stale faced her

"Don't speak that into the universe" I said before she surrendered a little

"I'm just telling the truth, how you feel?" she asked as I said stretched

"In pain, but I'm ready to take my baby home and eat good" I said before they all started laughing but I'm serious

"Knew that already, I'm finna go to the bathroom" Flau'jae said before leaving out the room

"I can't believe y'all responsible for a little human. I'm ready for the shenanigans cause I know it's coming" mama Kia said before I sighed and shook my head

"Your daughter"

"Her wife too" she said before I chuckled

We was just waiting before the doctors came back with Au'jaeuh. They moved us out the delivery room and into a regular room.

The door swung open before Flau'jae came walking in with gift bags and balloons. She really lied and said she had to use the bathroom.

How she even knew to come to this room?

"What is this for?" I asked while smiling uncontrollably

"Push gifts for you carrying and giving birth to our daughter. You know I appreciate you and everything you do. Thank you for bringing our daughter into this world. I love you, mamas"

Everybody just awe'd as she sat the bags on the bed.

"I love you more, thank you baby" I thanked her before reaching out for a hug, "And thank you for being here the whole time, even though I gave you hell"

"Au'jaeuh Ciara Johnson born December thirteenth. We got a Sagittarius instead of an Aquarius, help" Flau'jae said before I laughed to myself

We hugged tight before topping it off with a kiss.

I feel complete and whole, I'm definitely in love all over again. Regardless of everybody's opinions, I'm gonna be the best mom.

I love my bundle of joy more than anything, and I'm so grateful for my family of three.

𝕊𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕝: 𝟜 𝔹𝔸𝕐𝕆𝕌 Where stories live. Discover now