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Flau'jae Johnson

"Can you slow down?" Angel asked from the passenger seat now sitting up

"I'm not speeding"

"Yes, you are and get off the phone. You know that gives me anxiety" she took my phone stopping me from texting

"I'm sorry mamas, I don't intentionally mean to make you feel startled. I'm in the middle of tryna handle something"

"And that's fine, but bae you need to handle that when you not driving. I keep telling you don't do all that behind the wheel"

In college when I got in that accident, it made her apprehensive. Two years after, I got in another accident but it wasn't too severe.

Now she's has anxiety every time I'm driving, which is understandable. I just wish she would calm down but I know that's not gonna happen

"Alright, I'm sorry mamas" I apologized before placing my right hand on her thigh, "You accept my apology?"

"No because you say sorry every time and still do it. And we're gonna get charged extra for being late" she said before I glanced at the time sped up, "Flau'jae"

"Oh oh, I'm sorry" I apologized before slowing down

"I'm driving back home because you're gonna give me a heart attack. That way you can be on your phone and look out the window all you want"

We're on our way to get our 3D ultra sound, I'm excited. I'm ready to see the baby clearly, I know she's pretty.

After a while, we finally made it before getting settled. The vibes in here are calm, it's just pregnant women everywhere.

"I don't want to slip up and say the gender, so do y'all know baby's gender?" Dr. Brown who was doing the 3D ultrasound asked

"Yeah" I answered before she nodded

"Okay good, so right now baby is sleep. I hate to wake her up because this position looks comfortable"

She's facing the opposite way, so we can't really see anything. I can't believe she got the audacity to be sleep right now

She keep Angel up all night just kicking and moving around. So, if she keeping Angel up, Angel keeping me up.

"Yes wake her up because I'm running off a few hours of sleep. If I don't get sleep, she don't" Angel said jokingly but at the same time she was serious

"Not too much" I said before the lady started laughing

"Oh yeah babies are night owls" Dr. Brown said while coming over to Angel, "I'm just gonna shake the ultrasound wand over your stomach to wake her"

Angel let her do it even though it makes no sense. She kept shaking the wand, but nothing was happening.

"Oh she's a sleeper" Dr. Brown said while holding a surprised expression, "Let's try this"

She started poking her stomach, which felt I'm sure felt funny. Eventually the baby started moving before the she went back to her spot

"Do she know that we can see her?" I asked while squinting my eyes at the screen

"Um that's what people say, but I've heard differently. I believe so because she's interacting with us"

"I think she can because she keeps hiding her face" Angel said while pouting disappointedly

"She's stubborn" Dr. Brown said before I scoffed

"Like her momma" I mumbled causing Angel to shoot her head at me and I laughed, "What happened?"

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