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Angel Reese-Johnson

After my mini tantrum with Flau'jae I've been thinking. Maybe she's right, we can go ahead and work on the baby.

I just don't want to be pregnant, sick, and alone. Yes I have other people who can help, but I don't want them.

I'm very appreciative of everybody, but I love comfort from my lover. She just makes me feel secure and calm.

I just don't want to risk anything happening and she can't get to me. What if I pass out and nobody knows?

Scratch that we're waiting until the season is over.

"If you not helping get out the kitchen" I heard my aunt say causing me to snap out of my thoughts

"I'm not helping" I said before she rolled her eyes, "And y'all said no kids in the kitchen"

"Exactly, so get out" my other aunt said while opening the oven, "You in people way"

"I'm grown"

"It don't matter, you still get out the kitchen" she said before my mouth dropped

"I'm getting something to drink and I'm gone"

I went over to the cooler and found something to drink. After closing it back, I left out making my way to the back door.

My family is having a cookout and everybody is here. Even family from back home that I haven't seen in a while

The cookout just started and everybody is on bullshit. The day that this family is ever at peace, it'll be a cold day in hell.

"Wassup Ms.Hollywood" my cousin said as I approached him

"Hollywood?" I asked causing him to laugh

"Hell yeah" he said while nodding, "Yo' ass be nowhere in sight, I'm surprised you came"

"Blame your family"

"Bruh on god they be on dumb shit, I can't catch a break" he said agreeing with me, which made me happy

Now I know it's not just me.

"Exactly, and I be busy too" I informed him a little more, "Like I'm supposed to be in Chicago for a booking, but it got canceled"

"Oh yeah, I be seeing you on Instagram. You be in another city everyday. I love your life, I'm proud of you"

"Thank you, thank you I try"

"It's working, but Nadia was looking for you. She somewhere over there" he pointed in her direction before I nodded

"Alright, I'll talk to you later"

I walked away making my way over to where Nadia was. I'm actually excited to see my cousins who are still living in Baltimore.

We never see each other or talk to each other. Every once in a while we'll like each others post, but nothing more.

"Angel" Nadia yelled jumping up and running over to me

We both hugged each other tight for a few seconds before letting go.

"Oh my god, I missed you and you look good" I said excitedly while examining her appearance

"Thank you, I missed you too. Ain't you married now?" She asked before looking down at my finger

"Yes" I smiled from ear to ear happily while holding up my finger, "Yes, yes"

"I'm so happy for you congratulations, and you better show me some pictures of the wedding"

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