XLI | Graduation

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the song 'My Blood' just hits different


it was finally the last day of school for the three year twelves.

they graduate on the wednesday while everyone else has to stay til the friday.

it sucked.

but, thirteen years of torture and suffering would be finally over for chan, changbin and hyunjin.

after leaving school, hyunjin was gonna go to university and major in psychology and in his free time he was going to be an artist.

he secretly hoped he would become a famous artist and have his own museum.

changbin was also going to go to university and major in medical.

ever since he taught himself how to treat wounds for him and the other two boys, he'd always had an interest in medical work.

meanwhile, chan didn't really know what he was gonna do.

he and minho had planned to travel around the world together once minho graduated but that meant chan still had a year before then.

he'd been accepted into a few universities but he still didn't have a major he was interested in.

"oi, did we drink all the vodka?!" changbin called out from the kitchen.

it was almost eight in the morning.

chan's alarm didn't go off until eight but his nerves woke him up.

he'd been staring at the roof of his room for the passed twenty minutes.

it was peaceful.

changbin barged into the room, groaning as he held himself up on the door.

slowly, chan settled himself onto his elbows and cocked an eyebrow at the boy.

"did we drink-"

"i wouldn't be surprised if we did. i feel like ass right now." chan sighed before plopping back into the bed to lay comfortably.

changbin rolled his eyes.

"fucking hell. i was gonna put some in my drink bottle." changbin complained.

chan looked up at the other with a judgemental look.

changbin just scoffed and waved him off.

"don't look at me like that. i get nervy with this type of stuff!" changbin exclaimed before leaving the room, leaving the door open.

chan groaned and grabbed his pillow and throwing it at the door.

changbin's parents rented a bnb for the three boys from the night before to the day after their graduation as a gift.

and as soon as the three got to the house, after their tour around, they immediately started drinking and got wasted.

it was a terrible idea but the past is the past.

now, the three were stuck, groaning at their hangovers.

"we shouldn't have drunk so much alcohol..." hyunjin blurted out along with a low burp.

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