XVI | Girlfriend

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and now it just goes downhill for minho🤪


it had been a couple days since chan's fight.

it was now a wednesday morning, everyone already sick of the week and want school to end already.

minho was sat in his music theory class, yawning and zoning out continuously as his teacher went on and on about the beauty of music.

it was a temporary class for the school.

they made the class because apparently the school wasn't "musical enough".

it was really just an experiment for students who were interested in learning more about the history of music and what not...

and it also took time out of other classes so that was also a bonus.

but the only bad thing about it is that it's for the entire school to attend, and since not many students from all year groups wanted to join, they joined all year groups together.

it was about twenty minutes into the lesson when suddenly two students came barging in, laughing.

minho looked up and cocked his eyebrow.

it was changbin and jisung.

he was actually quite happy to see them, he wouldn't be alone in the class with thirteen year olds.

the teacher stopped talking and went outside to talk to the two that came in late.

as soon as the door shut, immediate shouting and talking erupted the classroom.

minho just sighed and rubbed his temples.

after a moment, he felt a small hand tap his shoulder gently.

his eyes widened and he snapped his head to the direct of the touch.

he made eye contact with a girl.

she smiled warmly and waved.

"hello." she said enthusiastically.

minho cleared his throat and sat up straight, eyeing the classroom nervously.

"hi?" he said in question.

she let out a chuckled and extended her arm out to him.

"i'm haneul." she said in a quiet voice.

minho looked at her hand for a second before hesitantly shaking her hand.

"minho..." he said in almost a whisper.

she giggled.

"it's nice to meet you, minho. i'm new here and i kinda need friends. i was hoping you'd be one of them." she said with a teeth grin.

minho cocked an eyebrow.

"don't girls normally make friends with other... girls..?" minho mumbled.

"not necessarily. anyway, my boyfriend actually goes here. we aren't exactly... similar. i didn't want to just hang around him and only be friends with his friends. i wanted to make a few friends before he dragged me along with his. you seemed nice so i decided to ask." she said quickly.

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