VIII | Princess

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little bit of a chaotic chapter😅


it was almost midnight when a rock was thrown at minho's bedroom window.

it was a friday night and it had been four days since minho and the three boys made the agreement.

minho and felix had decided to hangout that afternoon and when jisung was finished with his date with hyunjin, they'd go to jisung's house to sleepover.

so right now, minho and felix were just hanging out in minho's room, doing nothing in particular.

they were gossiping before and talking about each others sex life and what not.

but when they were just cuddling while sitting on their phones, they suddenly heard a rock get thrown against the window.

the two boy's jumped and held onto each other for dear life.

"what the fuck was that?!" felix whisper shouted.

minho shrugged his shoulders and got up quickly.

meanwhile felix hid himself in the blankets that were on minho's bed.

minho looked back at felix for any help or encouraging words, but was just found with a huge lump underneath all the blankets.

he scoffed and threw his arms in the air.

he turned around to face the window and gulped.

it was pitch black outside except for the occasional streetlight.

he was mostly nervous for the part that he needed to open the curtains if he wanted to see what was outside.

he didn't exactly do well with jumpscares.

"felix!" he whispered.

felix just whined under the covers and poked his head out to look at his friend.

"what?! i'm not doing it!" he whispered back.

minho pulled a mini tantrum before flipping felix off and slowly making his way to his window.

he took a deep breath and grabbed one of the curtains, though not moving it.

he quickly looked back at felix but was once again met with nothing but bed sheets.

he sighed and before he could turn back to the curtained window, another rock was thrown against it, making minho jump backwards and fall over.

he yelped as he hit the ground and groaned loudly.

felix had also flinched but not as much as the other boy.

he immediately pushed his head out of the bedsheets and his eyes widened as he looked as minho on the floor.

"jesus christ-"

"are you okay?" felix asked in a whisper.

minho looked over at him with a dumbfounded expression.

"no- i'm not alright! now go look for me." minho spat.

felix rolled his eyes.

"if i get murdered i swear." felix said as he got out of the bed and walked over to the window, taking a quick breath before opening the curtain, surprising minho.

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