V | Consequences

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1,535 words


minho turning into a naughty boy? gasp


minho looked at the time on his phone and groaned.

he was standing outside his classroom and was preparing himself to get humiliated and yelled at in front of the entire class.

the worst part is that felix is in his class and is going to tease him about it for the rest of the week.

he wiped his sweaty palms on the sides of his pants and took a deep breath.

he's already got an hours worth of detention already, what's the worst that can happen-

"mr lee that is unacceptable! you're fifteen minutes late for class! now you can get double that amount in detention after school, how does that sound?" the teacher announced.

minho's mouth opened wide.

"but sir-"

"not buts, go sit down!" he said strictly.

minho's shoulders slumped as he accepted his defeat and walked sadly to where felix was sitting.

he sat next to him and pretended to cry on his shoulder.

felix giggled quietly, patting the boy's head.

"it'll be alright- now tell me why you're late!" felix whisper-shouted.

minho removed his head from the boy's shoulder and took out his book and a pen from the bottom of his bag.

"if you must know-"

"minho! it is not like you to disrupt my class- twice! you too felix, do you want detention as well?" the teacher asked in a loud voice.

felix immediately shook his head.

"no- i'm sorry sir." felix apologised quickly.

minho just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair annoyedly.

felix nudged his arm and waved him to come closer to his face.

minho complied and sat up a bit, leaning his head to felix's face.

"tell me after class" he whispered and minho just nodded.

meanwhile chan was sitting behind the school, smoking an illegally owned cigarette.

minding his own business, he suddenly heard rustling in the bushes.

he cocked an eyebrow and removed his cigarette from his lips and let out a deep breath of intoxicating smoke.

he stood up in the process and dusted off his pants before slowly making his way over to the area the sound seemed to be coming from.

he walked up to the bush and started hitting around them, finding nothing.

he scoffed and shook his head, about to put the remains of his cigarette back into his mouth but flinched quickly as someone suddenly jumped out from behind a wall.

he practically squealed as he lost his balance but managed to regain it before falling helplessly on his ass.

miss cha.

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