Part 26: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 1/5

Start from the beginning

Conductor: Now then, a little about the vessel, this is a state-of-the-art, high speed smart train with all the latest gadgets. This train can really handle anything you throw at it! We've had a lot of adventures together, me and this train. It's not easy to leave.
Barry smiles.
Barry: After thirty-two years, I don't blame you for being wistful, sir~!
The Conductor smiles.
Conductor: Why, thank you for your sympathy, Barry~!
Barry: Any time~! Now, what is this train used for?
The Conductor smiles.
Conductor: This train is exclusively used for events, it's not a passenger train.
Barry smiles.
Barry: I remember that from the interview. So... What's the event today?
Conductor: A murder mystery party; there's nothing better than some thrills to end my tenure as conductor. Guests will be funneled here to the dining car, as a home base so to speak.
Barry chuckles.
Barry: True that~!
The Conductor goes to the door, ready to unlock it to passengers.
Conductor: I'll be with you to gather tickets, but after that, you'll be on your own... So, I'll need you to do everything in your power to make sure our paying guests are well taken care of, understood?
Barry: I can't afford to lose this job, so I'll make you proud, sir!
Conductor: You sure can't, the severance pay is lousy~! Fah-hah-hah-hah!
Barry and the Conductor smile.
Conductor: I'm glad this old man can rest easy. Doors to The Mirage Express are opening, all aboard!

As the Mirage Express' doors are opening, the paying guests enter inside the train, and Barry's eyes widen.

Tails the Fox: Wow, this train is incredible! What fascinating tech.
Metal Sonic: No kidding...
Vector the Crocodile: You're right, Tails. I can get used to staying on a train like this!
Amy Rose: Well, what did you all expect!? You know I always go all out for my birthday party!
Rouge the Bat: This train's as elegant as you are, Amy. Can't promise I won't take anything though.
Knuckles the Red Echidna: Calm down there, Rouge. Didn't I just catch you stealing from the train station's gift shop...?
Rouge: It was a pen, Knucklehead! Who's gonna miss a teeny tiny pen?
Melody Locus (Nervously): Y-You never know...
Silver the Hedgehog: Y- Yeah, I- I'll have to agree with Melody.
Barry starts to sweat Profusely.
Barry (In his mind): W- W- What cast of characters am I stuck with?!
The Conductor looks at Barry and notices just how much he's sweating.
Conductor: Oh dear... Get a hold of yourself, Barry; you're sweating through your uniform.

Sonic walks up to Barry with a Smile.
Sonic: Hey pal, can I get one of those chili dogs?
Amy quickly approaches Sonic.
Amy: Sonic! Wait until I announce everyone's roles to get food!!
Sonic smiles nervously as Barry begins to process what he said.
Sonic: Haha, sorry about that, birthday girl-
Barry responds after processing what Sonic said.
Barry: Argh, of course sir!
Jenny Wakeman, Vega Vexus, Amy, and Sonic all look at Barry confused.
Jenny Wakeman: Argh?
Jenny snickers.
Jenny: Are you a pirate?
Barry (In his mind): Oh no, I'm more nervous than I thought!
Barry smiles nervously.

Barry: Righty-o friend!
Vega smiles nervously.
Vega Vexus: Well, aren't you friendly?
Barry (In his mind): Why can't I be normal for one second...?
The Conductor grabs the speaker microphone gently and speaks into it.
Conductor: I'll be coming around to collect everyone's tickets! Please have them out and ready.
The conductor looks at Barry, letting go of the speaker microphone.
Conductor: You'll join me, won't you Barry?
Barry seems very nervous as he smiles.
Player: O-of course~!
The Conductor smiles happily.
Conductor: Wonderful~!


Barry and the Conductor approach Knuckles first.
Conductor: Howdy, could I please get your ticket?
Knuckles gives his ticket to the Conductor, who looks at it for a moment.
Conductor: Everything looks good, thank you.
Knuckles: Hmph...
Barry sweats nervously...
Barry (In his head): M-maybe we should leave this dude alone... but at the same time...
Barry hands Knuckles a menu, then nervously gets out a note-pad, and some paper.
Barry: C- Can I take your order, sir?
Knuckles looks over the Menu for a moment.
Knuckles: The chicken cordon bleu does sound good...
Knuckles calmly hands back the Menu to Barry.
Knuckles: But I'm not interested...
Barry: O-Of course, sir~!

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