ཌMake Your Bidད

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S/n fed the venus plant with fruits since it was satisfying to watch how their 'mouths' closes after offering them food.

Meanwhile, you sat on the couch deep in thoughts while staring at the ceiling. You needed to prepare a lot for the grand plan. You were either thinking of a surprise attack in the infinity castle or luring the damn demon lord out in a trap. You thought for a while, and luring him into a trap was better than enter their territory. But, will he fall for your trap? You didn't know, but it might be worth to try.

Wait a minute... How come nothing was happening? Muzan should have sent many demons out looking for you since you entered his castle. Was he waiting for your next move? Maybe this whole 'plan' you had was useless now.
Change of plans, perhaps it's better to focus on eliminating the upper moons first before you focus on him, and you need your colleagues help.

You had an idea; you hadn't been in the auction house for a long time, maybe you should start visiting it again and if you're lucky, you can find good items.

"S/n, I'm going out." you informed her before going to your room and change into f/i. S/n noticed your different clothes and stared dumbfounded at your mysterious appearance.
'Since when does my brother look so cool?!' was her thought but she quickly shook her head and asked where you were going.

"To an auction house." you answered and her eyes started to sparkle.

"Can I go too?" she asked hopefully but she pouted once she heard your answer.

"Nope, you're too young for this." but to cheer her up you promised her to accompany her one day when she's an adult.

"Not fair!" was all she said before you left.

Arrived at the auction house which you owned 40%, you entered from the main door showing a worker who recognised you, your gold vip card. They bowed at you before handing you a black mask and a hood, and after wearing them while you stored your blank mask away, they leaded you to the best vip seats which was upstairs giving you the best view over the hall.

At the auction house everyone wore the same hoods and masks given by the auction itself preventing to revel ones identity.
The vip section had some female servants who wore revealing dresses and heavy make up, giving vip people like you entertainment or service. One of them with less make up poured you some wine in a glass and before she could sit next to you with an uncomfortable body language, you dismissed her taking the wine from her hand. She sighed relieved and left you alone but stood some metres away from you in case you needed something.
You looked around, and you realised you were the only one in the vip section.
Better this way, so you didn't have to worry about competitors fighting for your wanted items, or were you just early?

You played with your glass not daring to drink it because even in a building like this, you can get poisoned, but it smelled safe though.

The girl you just dismissed seemed to notice your thought, "It's safe since it's still early." she informed you quietly.

"When does it starts?" you asked her and she replied that in two hours since not many visitors were here now.
'I came to early....' you thought while you sighed at her words.

You placed your wine on the glass table besides you and gestured the girl to come.

"Bring me tea instead," you told her, "and while you're at it, bring some snacks."

You watched how the hall got filled up with more people as time moved on Some vips came and already had fun with some female servants, and now that you thought about it after glancing at them since they bothered the heck out of you because they were loud, the girl serving you was pretty young. How did she end up here?

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