ཌCase Twoད

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It was weekends and you finally checked the papers Riku gave you.

"Eternal Paradise Faith? Sounds interesting..." you walked to your room and changed into casual clothes. You left your demon slayer uniform and your f/c haori on your bed, then you walked over to your closet where your blank mask and dark caped hood is stored. You replaced your oni mask with the blank one and wore the caped hood over you.
Then you put your thumb and index finger in your mouth and whistled. After a few seconds, c/n knocked on your closed window and you let him in.
"In case Oyakata-sama assigns me with other missions, please remember them for me, I'll carry them out when I come back. Also don't follow me." you informed him while packing up some food for your current secret mission and he nodded in response.

"Stay safe!" was all he said before watching you leave.

Instead of taking the road like every normal person, you took the unclear path inside a forest. The trees were close to each other but it didn't slow you down. Soon, you were able to get to your destination without anybody noticing or following you.

When you arrived at the given location it was already night.
You sneaked around the large village and climped up a tree and hid yourself in the leaves. You didn't plan to approach the temple any further, fearing that you might get noticed but you decided to stay in your hiding spot and play the waiting game.

In the dim glow of the moonlight, you found yourself tiptoeing through the shadows, your senses heightened by the gravity of the task at hand. The target, the cult leader of Eternal Paradise Faith, had eluded identification for some time.
The temple loomed ahead, its ancient stones holding secrets as tightly as the leader held his own identity. Creeping closer, you glimpsed flickering candles through the temple's windows, casting an eerie glow on the walls. You concealed yourself in the cloak of darkness, waiting patiently for any sign of movement.

As the night deepened, the temple's door creaked open ever so slightly, and a figure emerged. You tried to control your heartbeat fearing that you might be heard as you see the person entering the temple. You moved closer to the paper windows and poked a hole on it to see what was inside. Due to the weak lighted up room, you weren't able to see anything but with the help of some candlelights, your eyes widened as you recognized the distinctive silhouette - upper moon two.

Days turned into nights as you meticulously gathered information about this demon, capturing moments of perversion. Each night brought some revelations, and the weight of worry about getting noticed grew heavily on your shoulders.
With a trove of information in hand, you cautiously stepped out of the shadows and into the light of day. Armed with the knowledge necessary to help the demon slayer corps, you prepared to let him pay for his sins that this demon cult leader deserved long time ago.

As you stepped through the front door, a wave of relief washed over you. You'd been cautious, making sure no one trailed you after the days of stalking. Starving and weary from not eating or sleeping for days, you called out to your sister who was already home from her previous mission, "Hey, want to grab some food? I'm starved."

She agreed, and you two headed to the noodle restaurant you ate before since it was good. As she looked through the menu, s/n wrestled with indecision over her order. Just as she seemed to settle on something, her eyes widened, and she began to wave at someone behind you.
Turning around, you were pleasantly surprised to see your female colleague, Mitsuri, approaching with a warm smile. "Hey there! What a coincidence running into you guys again," she greeted.

We exchanged greetings, and s/n asked, "again?". "I once ate here with
y/n." Mitsuri explained and s/n made and 'o' with her mouth. Then she instructed to sit down with her. The conversation flowed effortlessly. You two began to share stories, since Mitsuri asked how you were doing, laughed, and caught up on both work and personal life. S/n listened to your conversation with her and joined from time to time, but she was sonehow quiet in your opinion. Mitsuri's kindness, lovely and caring demeanor shone through, making the meal a delightful surprise.

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