ཌShort Breakད

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"Ah~ home is still the most comfortable!"
You stretched your body on the bed of your estate and before you could enjoy the peace you finally deserved, your stomach growled.

"Right, I haven't eaten yet..." You didn't feel like cooking so you decided to eat outside. Before going out, you bandaged your mechanic hand to avoid attention and you informed s/n, "S/n, have you eaten? I'm going to eat outside!".

"I've already eaten!" she answered.

'Why is everyone staring?' you thought as you strolled the streets downtown. After some children shrieked after seeing you, you understood why, 'oh, my face...'
Everyone were rather scared seeing a stranger with a huge scar across his face.
Now instead of looking for a restaurant to eat, you went looking for a shop which selled masks and you luckily found one.
You bought a black oni mask and the vendor understood why you were buying one. Instead of talking to you, he let you pick by your own.
"Excuse me sir, do you also have a mask which is blank?" you asked and the vendor moved his hand under the desk grabbing a blank mask and placed it on the desk. He felt a deja vu, it felt like that he sold a blank mask before, but why? Who would buy a blank mask?

You dropped a pile of money on the desk already leaving, "Holy s-, sir! That's too much!" the vendor tried to stop you from leaving. "See it as a tip since you let me have a blank mask for free last time."

You wore the black oni mask and stored the blank mask inside your clothes. Now, you were looking for a restaurant.
'Should I have noodles? Or sushi? Or something else?'

You spotted a noodle restaurant and since your stomach growled again, you just went there.
"Chef, I want two bowls of noodles with beef." you said.

"Coming right up sir, please take a seat!"

After ordering your food, you were looking for a seat until someone called you. "L!/n! Is that you?!"

You turned to your right spotting the love hashira waving at you, so you walked over.
"Are you here for lunch too, l/n?" she asked.

"Indeed." you answered and she offered you to sit with her.

You sat down in front of her, but it turned quiet suddenly and you understood why. If you see someone you know, you will automatically call them over to sit with you. But in your case, where you were gone for three years and have a misunderstanding with your colleagues about the fake murder case, it was complicated.

"So how's everything?" you started pretending that the misunderstanding never existed.

"Good," she answered, "How about you?"

"Better now, I feel great to be here again." you answered honestly.

"Say...  can you tell me what exactly you did in these three years? You refused to say it at the meeting. Was it bad?" her eyes sparkled, she wanted to know it so badly just like the others.

"Tiring." you replied.

"You owe everyone an explanation l/n!" she pouted while crossing her arms, "you hurt everyone's feeling y'know?"

"Hurt everyone's feelings?" you questioned, "I wasn't close with everyone..."

"How can you say that?" she looked at you disappointed, "We are not only colleagues but also comrades! We trust each other!"

"Ah... Now that I think about it, it was wrong if me to trick everyone, sorry" you apologised to make her happy again since it looked serious to her, "To show my sincerity, this meal, I'll treat you."

She agreed happily and at the same time your orders arrived and she grew nervous. It was her first time eating with you and she ordered... a lot.

"Don't mind me, eat as much as you want."

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