Chapter Fourteen

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Cynder woke up to a flash of light through the window. She looked out of it to see Michael take off, his armor flashing in the morning sun, Trica and Aura following. She laid her head back down with a sigh. She was happy to have some personal time with Spyro, he spent his healing time surrounded with friends and family who wanted to make sure he was okay, and keep him occupied from the pain. She was anticipating the quiet time with her mate. She looked out the window and watched a large group of dragons fly out of the square. Cynder knew that they were mostly alone now. She felt Spyro's breathing, and enjoyed his calm heartbeat. Cynder fell back into a light nap, enjoying Spyro's warmth. She woke when he tried to get up.

"Oops, I didn't mean to wake you." He told her

"It's fine, I wasn't really sleeping." Cynder replied, she got up and stretched.

Spyro kissed her check. "They already left?"

"Yeah, I saw them leave" Cynder answered

He smiled "Good, personal time with my beautiful mate"

Cynder blushed. "I'm not that pretty."

Spyro looked genuinely shocked "Cynder, to me you're the prettiest dragon I've ever seen"

Cynder looked at him, she could tell that through his eyes, that this was true. She watched him walk out the room and start cooking. Cynder looked back out the window, and looked at the quiet square, not a soul was in sight. It was a bit strange, calm, but strange. Cynder had this strange feeling, she couldn't quite figure out what it was. She could feel her dark element warning her, as if this was a calm before a storm. Cynder chose to ignore it, they were safe, nothing could hurt them. She joined Spyro in the dining room, he had cooked up a delicious meal, and Cynder was really hungry. They ate their meal and relaxed on the couch. They talked and relaxed for a while, then decided to go for a walk. They explored the alleyways, and admired the ruins spread around the city. Another dragon couple walked past them, they smiled at each other as they passed. They returned home and lounged some more. Cynder was napping in her bed while Spyro was cleaning. When a massive boom echoed through the whole city, sending a shockwave through the house. The city's shields became visible. Spyro rushed outside just as another boom echoed through the city again. The shockwave knocked Spyro off of his feet. Lumi stuck his head out the window, Cynder followed, she heard Spyro call to him.

"Stay with Amber"

He ran back in the house, they hurriedly put on their armor then rushed out and flew towards the city's defense center. When they got there, they saw soldiers rushing everywhere. A general approached them.

"Were under attack from an unknown force, these shots are so strong that if this was any other city, the shields would have broken on the first shot." She told them

Another shot struck the shields, causing another shockwave to rumble the whole city.

"Damn these shields are strong, they aren't even cracking. We need to find who's attacking us" She turned to them.

"Are there any fortresses nearby?" Spyro asked

"There were only three at the dock, and we lost contact with one." The general answered

"Are our element cannons operational?" Spyro flinched as another blast, and another shockwave rang out.

"They are, but we have no target." She told him

Another dragon approached them "General, we are detecting an extremely high amount of dark magic, the only possible explanation is that there are two dark masters out there."

"TWO!" The general yelled

"Affirmative" the soldier nodded, and returned to his station

"Were exposed, Michael cannot be contacted, and we only have two fortresses. But if they approach one shot from whatever is firing at us will decimate them. We need to draw the masters out, then push them away from their soldiers." The general told them.

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