Chapter Eight

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Cynder woke up to Spyro tightly holding her. She realized that her episode last night had probably scared him just as much as it had her. She sighed, realizing that these fights are affecting her mental state. She couldn't resist her instinct to be by her mate's side, but she knew that his instinct is to protect her, and that he will do anything to make sure she is okay. She wished that she could show less weakness sometimes, Spyro has his own, but he puts too much pressure on himself to push them deep inside. Cynder had the slightest feeling that he is shoving all of his feelings and weaknesses away for her and for the others relying on him. The six-month vacation helped, but he needs to spend some time without others relying on him. Spyro felt her tension, and opened his eyes worriedly.

"Are you okay, did you have another dream?" He asked

"I'm fine, just relax. Let's just stay here for a while." She answered

They stayed like that for a while, resting their sore bodies and allowing their wounds to heal. After a couple of hours, the grumbling of their stomachs called them out of their room. They walked out into the square, and over to the mess hall. The hall was mostly empty, they spotted Flame and Ember at one of the tables, and joined them.

"Hey" Cynder spoke

"They got some different food today" Ember told her

Spyro went over to the food trays and grabbed two plates of food. He brought them back and sat down.

"What is this?" Cynder asked

"I asked the chef, and he said it was something called a burrito" Ember answered

"It's pretty good" Spyro replied

They ate in silence for a while, then finished. Spyro looked through the window to see Michael walk out into the square, talking with Trice. Spyro rushed over to him.

"Hey" Michael sad to him.

"I still want to know what that was. That magic felt darker than any I have ever felt." Spyro told him

"Eldritch magic and Ethereal magic are two sides of the same coin. They are the oldest forms of magic in existence. Before the concept of darkness and light, these two forms manifested, and when they did, the unbreakable rules were formed. Eldritch magic is fear and death based, while ethereal is joy and life based. After these two formed, some eldritch and some ethereal beings decided that they wanted to change the rules, the eldritch beings formed dark magic, which is evil, and includes demons and necromancy. The ethereal beings formed aether magic, others have called it light, or heavenly magic, which represents good, and includes beings like angels, and good magic. But these new magics caused a problem. Eldritch and ethereal magic has always lived in harmony, but dark and light magic are constantly fighting. This fighting caused wars to spread through the entire multiverse. It's what caused all the battles between good and evil, which caused a fifth magic to form, fairy . Eldritch magic is pretty simple compared to dark magic, they live in darkness, consume fear, and will occasionally corrupt other creatures and make them eldritch terrors. Ethereal magic feeds on joy and prosperity, and sometimes help other creatures to ascend. There are only a few hundred thousand origin ethereal beings left, most of them moved to light magic and fought evil. I used eldritch magic to kill that master, I used it to kill the last one. You felt darkness because that was what it was, my normal aura was changed from calm to fear, I caused fear in everyone around me, that is how that magic works." He explained

"So, what kind of magic do I use?" Spyro asked

"Light, Cynder uses both light and dark" Michael answered

"And you eyes changed color why?" Spyro turned to him

"The main colors of magic, blue for ethereal, black for eldritch, red for demonic, white for light, and green for fairy." Michael told him "My eyes, and half of the jewels in my armor reflect that. But ethereal is a tad different. Each ethereal being can change their color to whatever they want, you probably noticed Trice's color is pink, my mate's is yellow. My custom color is a darker blue then the normal ethereal blue."

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