Chapter Three

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A pile of rubble sat smoldering a couple of clicks away from Duule. The city was still celebrating, only the neighboring fortresses knew what happened. Suddenly, a few rocks started to roll away, and a black arm, covered by gold and silver armor, reached out of a pile of large boulders. The arm snapped its claws, and the boulders broke into millions of small rocks. Michael got up, shaking off the pebbles, he looked around to see a handful of soldiers looking for more survivors. He slowly walked towards the top of the pile, where the moonlight poked through the cloud of dust and smoke. He used his light magic to send a beam to the closest fortress, it started hovering towards him.

Six months later

Spyro walked through the main path of the village, enjoying the beauty of the nature around him. His wing and ribs had healed, and he was back to normal. Spyro nodded at a villager as he passed, walking back towards the cave he was staying in. He arrived at the mouth of the cave and entered.

"Hey" Cynder said, looking up from the wood carving she was working on.

"Hi" Spyro answered, and kissed her

"What's going on in the villager?" she asked

"Not much, somebody was born last night though" Spyro told her

"Aw, boy or girl?"

"Girl, the parents are happy, they wanted a daughter" he answered

"Good for them" Cynder smiled, and returned to her work

Spyro sat down and relaxed for a moment.

"I can't help it; I just have to know what Michael is up to. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed the last six months here, but I'm worried about everybody." He spoke

"I am too, but I know Michael can handle it. I think he left us here on purpose, for both of us. You have been putting too much stress on yourself after you defeated Malefor, and Michael noticed that. He will come get us when he feels you have relaxed." Cynder told him

"You think he can get us, I tried to open a portal, but it didn't work." Spyro looked at the wood carving Cynder was working on

"He got us here, he can bring us back." she replied

Spyro laid his head down on the stone floor and enjoyed the company of his mate for a while.

Michael watched as six massive, spider-looking creatures made of stone walk past him. The broodmothers were a magical species that Michael discovered on an ancient planet long ago. They had the ability to change their size at will, and were able to take a lot of hits before falling. Michael saved them from extinction and now they have spread throughout the ML. A city appeared on the horizon, sparkling lights with a massive tower in the middle. The army prepared for a siege, and kept moving. Mobile element cannons started firing on the city's shields, the impacts of each shot sending a shudder through the buildings below. By the time the soldiers reached the gate, the shields were failing. Michael blasted the door with pure magic, blowing it out of its frame, and charged into the city.

Spyro woke up when someone nudged him. He opened his eyes to see that it was Cynder.

"Wake up, sleepyhead" she said

Spyro rolled over and got up, stretching.

"What's up?" he asked, yawning

"You have been sleeping all day" she answered "I know you were up late last night, but I want to do something"

"Alright, let's go" Spyro replied

The two dragons walked out of the cave and took off. Flame and Ember joined them in the sky, and they flew off in a random direction.

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