28. I have thought about it.

Beginne am Anfang

"I'm pregnant, A'Xian. Not helpless."


After the second dual cultivation session, Wen Qing asked Wei WuXian to visit her for a check up. Walking down the road to her clan, he stopped upon seeing a man in white walking in the opposite direction. "Lan Zhan!"

"Wei Ying."

He ran up to his friend. "I'm on my way to Wen Daifu to have her check on my progress. Where are you headed? Can it wait a bit? You can come with me, and then I'll go with you!"

"Night hunt. Not urgent."

"Excellent!" Wei WuXian smiled so hard his cheeks hurt. He was pronounced progressing nicely by the doctor.

The night hunt was at a small village who was dealing with a mischievous ghost. It was easily settled, but by then, it was getting dark. As the village boasted no inns, the headmaster offered a room in his house for the night as recompense. "My daughters are grown and living in their own homes," he stated. "Their room is the only one available. We can't permit you to travel at night or to sleep on the road when there is a perfectly good room right here."


The daughter's room was small, but contained a rather large bed. "Four girls slept here," the headmaster announced proudly. "All grown now and married. All with children of their own." Wei WuXian mouthed the proper blessings and congratulations. "So you should have plenty of room to share it," the man continued.

"It's more than satisfactory," Lan WangJi gave a small bow and closed the door behind them.

Wei WuXian's eyes skittered all around the room, avoiding the bed. I want to kiss him. Does he want to kiss me? It's been months. I don't even know how to ask! Do you just blurt it out? Or... are there roundabout ways to hint 'hey kiss me until I can't remember my name'? He called me his zhiji.... But zhiji's are not just physical, right? It's a mental thing? I've read of zhijis who cultivate a celibate path, so.... Physical intimacy is obviously not necessary. He was startled from his self reflections by Lan WangJi throwing silencing talismans at the walls.

"The headmaster is still in the courtyard," Lan WangJi spoke from where he stood by a window. "I don't feel he needs to hear any conversation we might have."

"Good idea," Wei WuXian laughed, and cringed at how unnatural it sounded. Nervous. I sound nervous. I'm never nervous. What do I have to be nervous about? I'm babbling in my head. Stop, Wei Ying. There's nothing here to be nervous about. It's just Lan Zhan. And a bed. A large bed that we can definitely roll around on together.

Lan WangJi abandoned his position at the window to walk over to the privacy screen. "I'll just change for bed?"


With Lan WangJi on the other side of the screen, it made sense for Wei WuXian to disrobe on this side. He must have been slower, or Lan Zhan must have been faster as he was only partially undressed when Lan Zhan came back out. "Wei Ying...."

Wei Ying shrugged out of his inner robe to stand before his friend clad only in his shirt and trousers, bare feet curling against the wooden floor. "You're beautiful." With his hair down, even his forehead ribbon was missing, and clad only in a silk sleeping robe, Lan Zhan looked.... Wei Ying's brain couldn't come up with an appropriate description. 'Beautiful' was too bland. "Can I kiss you?" I didn't mean to say that!

The kiss was hungry. Four months of being separated seemed to mean they had to learn how to kiss all over again. Their lips and tongues apparently remembered how to act, but their teeth kept interfering.

Or maybe... maybe Lan Zhan's teeth knew exactly what they were doing. Wei Ying keened as those teeth bit down around his nipple. When did I take off my shirt? He woke up enough from being kissed senseless to realize neither of them had clothes on. There was sudden movement, and he found himself kneeling over his friend's hips. There was something wet and hard pulsing at the crack in his backside, and oh, that feels... weird. And good. And weird. And....

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