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The others respect Dottore wants to watch this all alone and thus Dottore goes to Pantalone his home knowing he has a DVD player.
Sitting on the couch looking down at the disk before him Dottore is trying to mentally prepare himself but finally after a hour or so he puts it in.
He knows he HAS to watch it so they can find Pantalone.
He should not be wasting time preparing himself mentally in the first place.
Turning it on the movie starts off with a black screen. When he sees how long it is it exactly the length of a normal movie.
As he watches it the first thing he sees is Pantalone being forcefully tossed on the bed who is doing his best fighting back and surprisingly he scratches somebody hard in the face.
Dottore writes down every single description of every single person he sees.
Even from far away he can tell which drugs they are giving Pantalone and before it would even kick in they already start using him while they chain him up so he couldn't fight back anymore.
One two three; when half way trough the movie he has counted atleast thirty people thus far.
Dottore at the beginning listened to Pantalone his fighting and screams yet now he hears nothing and he is laying there like a corpse.
He takes in the environment of the room mostly.
As it turns day he can see in the window in the backround scenery from outside the city near the sea.
When it is night it is pitch black letting him know there are no neighbors.
Pausing the movie He would get his phone out calling the others while he has a laptop on his lap to search for the location.
They all can see how disturbed Dottore is but also how pissed of he is.
They can hear how his voice shakes sometimes just from pure rage.
"You all go and search for the house...I have something else to search for"
Is all Dottore said hanging up.

And just like that more weeks pass.
In those weeks Dottore would find these thirty people one by one finding two each day to torture them in the most brutal of ways yet they all didn't say a thing as all they did is beg for their miserable lifes.
Their mutilated body's are dropped of a building to make them fall to their deaths so the last thing they see before dying is the pavement getting closer and closer, the cars going over the road, the people walking beneath their soon to be dead corpse.
They all seemed happy with this death though as it is considered mercy to them to end the suffering they have gone trough by the hands of Dottore.
The last man Dottore was torturing is just some weak wannabe gang member that just wants to belong somewhere.

Walking in the room having prepared the whole torture scene in his head he grabs bone cutting scissors you usually use with cooking but this time he grabs the young man his finger.
The other is trembling and weak but feeling the cold metal against his finger tip he cried out of desperation "I won't make it alright?! I'll tell you everything! Please! Please don't torture me"

Dottore who did not expect this that this practically kid who is atleast eighteen years old, who only wanted to belong somewhere which is why he did what he did yet even he regrets it and thought it was very wrong.
Watching the movie they practically forced this young man before him to do it as it was forced for both Pantalone and this kid. "Speak-..."

Stammering over his words because he is so scared Dottore is getting impatient so he cuts the fingertip off.
The brunette screams in agonizing pain his hand shaking and his body flinching from the pain surging trough his body. "Cliff side! He lives on a cliff far away from the city!" He cries out finding it hard to breath at the moment.

"I know that already..."

With panic the other looks up at Dottore before he looks at his middle finger that is now between the scissors yet not being cut off yet "That man his fake name is Grayson! His real name is Daemon. We all know him as such! Daemon Wynter! That is full name! A-a-and his enemies call him Deimos!"

Dottore listens but what information is a name? Childe is listening in and he types everything down but also looks it up as he is able to find things far more easy then the others.
"What good is a name?"He said in a heartless fashion before he cuts the tip of the middle finger off.

Love Drug {Pantalone x Dottore} [Cyberpunk AU]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ