Chapter 5: The death of Menelik and Taitu.

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Looking straight at the exasperated emperor,
Asaro replied, "I could not care if he was the
emperor of cockroaches, mice or vermin. That remains my throne. As for you..." Asaro took out his SZ225 revolver and slowly turned to face the council member who was foolish enough to scold him.
"...I think a one way trip to meet your long gone kin is unpaid." Amin Asaro slowly raised
his weapon taking aim at Zuware Nebret...


T he young Princess Emebet could not understand why they were embarking on a journey to Inalubaj, the dead. Inalubaj is just a huge chunk of rock orbiting one of Inag Naba's
seven greater moons. Rumour has it that it was once home for the Many-Faced God, however since the Uluz through their technological advancements forgot about the Many-Faced God, Inalubaj was abused by the Uluz and had most of its mineral resources mined.

As a result, it lost its life-sustaining cloak of
magnetic fields that protected its denizens from the harshness of space. To Princess Emebet, her parents and protector must have gone crazy to think that there is something worth learning in such a desolate place. On the other hand, is Mekonnen finally going to reveal the true face of the Many-Faced God to her?

Ever since Princess Emebet learned of her ability to shape shift, she did not understand the words her protector taught her. Why was
she supposed to utter them only in the presence of her parents or protector? When the royal space cruiser first landed on Inihta Balh's moon, Princess Emebet realized that
their destination might be much further than Inalubaj.

Landing on the moon of Inihta Balh must be to refuel for a longer journey, Emebet thought. If they are refueling and Inalubaj is not the destination, where are they going? Why all the secrecy and why are her parents not on the ship?

Emebet thought a walk might be a good distraction. As she was about to take on the likeness of one of the royal servants, Tsigereda, Mekonnen's spouse, came in to tell her that they need to hurry and board a smaller
strange looking battle cruiser that was now docked next to the much bigger royal space cruiser they were on.

A torrent of questions flooded the young princess's mind. Tsigereda's frightened face told Emebet that this is not the time for questions.


"Oh Uncle! Where are you, uncle?" mocked Amin Asaro, the son of Tarik the sorcerer, as he entered the throne room.

"I have a message from mother. She says that I should tell you to get your behind off her son's throne. Oh right, that is me" chuckled Asaro.

"So let us try again. My mother is saying that you should get your buttocks off my throne" went the insolent lad.

"Young man, watch your words. This is the great and honorable Menelik of the house Nem Ahde Uluz, Emperor of the Uluz, Lord of all twelve great halls of Inag Naba, Supreme
defender of the ninety-six halls in The Faraway" one of the council members scolded Amin Asaro.

Looking straight at the exasperated emperor,
Asaro replied, "I could not care if he was the emperor of cockroaches, mice or vermin that still remains my throne. As for you..." Asaro took out his SZ225 revolver and slowly turned to face the council member who was foolish enough to scold him "...I think a one-way trip to meet your long-gone kin is unpaid." Amin Asaro slowly raised his weapon taking aim at Zuware Nebret.

"... Any last words before you depart. Ah well." Amin Asaro continued as he pulled the trigger.
A small explosion of bluish light reduced poor
Zuware Nebret to a small heap of ankle-high, smoldering ashes.

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