“What?” He asked with his seamless expression as you sighed, “What, what? Why did you get angry at Mr. Wang?” You whispered as he rolled his eyes and sighed, “You won’t understand.” Declaring this he was about to take a step when you pulled him back by clutching onto his forearm as he halted.

Twitching his head to look at you as you asked, “Why are you acting possessive?” You asked looking straight into his eyes as he gulped down a lump in his throat, “Of course, I am… very much possessive of what’s mine. Just because you don’t think you are mine doesn’t mean I can’t get protective.” He thought.

“No. I just said what I wanted to.” He declared with his minimalist voice while you blinked before you unwittingly slid your hand down into his warm palm.

He felt your cold hand in his as you both sauntered towards the elevator where Secretary Wang was waiting for the elevator door to open.

Taehyung looked down at your hand locked with his. He could feel his heart hammering inside his caged chest while he stiffened his grip on your hand.

Your eyebrows fluctuated for a jiff as you took a glance at your intertwined hands, “Why does it feel never to let go of your hand, Taehyung? You feel like someone mine.”

A mild smile appeared on your visage before you looked ahead of yourself as the door of the elevator opened. You took a step inside the elevator leisurely followed by Secretary Wang.

Pressing the button on the top floor of the skyscraper, Secretary Wang turned towards you before saying, “Mr. Lee Hyun-ki has also arrived at the party.”

You furrowed your eyebrows as Taehyung raised his brows, “He won’t be here without any reason. What has he planned now?”

Stepping into the party, you both were welcomed with a round of applause as you had quite a genuine smile on your visage while all the pairs of eyes were on you and Taehyung as the spotlights were emphasizing you both.

The interior of the venue was themed with gold and black, the royal look.

Your heart was hammering inside your chest as your hold on Taehyung’s hand stiffened. Taehyung noticed it making him take a glance at you as he whispered, “Relax, Kitty.” You heard his hoarse and sonorous voice through the chattering of the crowd but his words only made your heartbeat race.

You looked at him with your doe eyes as he gave you a little nod and held your intertwined hand tightly yet gingerly, “At first, I didn’t like being called Kitty by him but now if he calls me by the nicknames, I can feel my adrenaline rush. I don’t know what things have changed but I don’t feel irritated by him calling me with the nicknames.”

Your thought was interrupted when the visage of an oldish man came in front of you. The mild smile on your lips faded away in a jiffy when your eyes got locked with Lee Hyun-ki.

You could sense the deception in his orbs from which he was looking at you and his awful smirk on his visage didn’t go unnoticed by you as well as Taehyung.

Hyun-ki wasn’t looking at you like he usually does with his fake smile but he had a dark aura around him while his secretary was standing behind him.

His aura was surely making you nervous yet you had a sense of relaxation that Taehyung was beside you, holding you close to himself.

Lee Hyun-ki made his way towards you before twitching his orbs back to Taehyung who was standing next to you as you could feel a warm touch over your back which skimmed towards your flank.

THE HATING GAME- Taehyung x Reader ✅Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora