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As I walk into my apartment, I think about the interaction I had previously had with my new manager. I set the overly heavy binder on the counter and take a detailed look at it. As I zone out I begin to think about Taylor Hills. The Taylor I  watched getting put into the Ambulance. I never knew what happened to her until I met my manager. My thoughts are interrupted by the ding of my phone.

There is no way she would say yes to an invite

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

There is no way she would say yes to an invite. She didn't seem interested in talking to me earlier and she definitely won't want to with the rest of judgement day.

| Next day |
My alarm rings at six, and while I can stay in bed Barry gets in my face to wake me up. " good morning to you too Barry" and I let Barry and Luna out through the back door I get a call.

Taylor's name on my screen makes me snap out of my body. I click the bright green answer button. " hello" I say." Hi, Rhea make sure you get here at 11 am." She says she sounds serious. "is that it princess?" I say laughing to myself. " yes." Then she hangs up. Well someone didn't think it was funny.

As I arrive at the venue of the press I set my stuff down in my locker room. Then a knock appears at my door." come in." As the door opens I see Taylor's long blonde hair and her pretty white smile. " good your not late." She says sounding like she was worried. " you have the title right." I grab the pres title out of my bag "Yes ma'am."

The blonde woman is in a professional outfit with her long hair flowing and I can't help but stare." okay let's go." I grab the title and follow Taylor.

"So Rhea, what are your opinions on the rising women's champion Iyo Sky?" The interviewer asks. Behind the camera Taylor is staring fiercely at me. The cocky confidence comes out in my voice as I say "Well she's good, she will never be on top, do you why that is Bryan. Its because mami is always on top." The smirk lifts on my face and Taylor's face is now smiling.

"Rhea turn to your right please." As I follow the photographer's directions I smile with the iconic smirk all my fans love. Taylor wispers something into the photographer's ear. " Rhea hold please." I stand there awkwardly, but then I see my on-screen lover. "Dom dom!" I greet the long mullet man with a hug." Okay, you too pose together." As and and Dominik pose without titles our body's get closer and we pose like a real couple. Behind the camera I see a bit of jealousy on her face. " I think that's enough," Taylor says. She walks away after me and Dominik separate.

We walk around the venue and then we spot Finn, JD,and Damian. We are all talking about the new storyline for Judgment Day when we all hear heals tapping on the floor down the hall. We all see my new blonde manager walking down the hallway toward us. "May I have a moment alone?" She says clearly. I feel like I'm in trouble. I walk towards the blonde woman. She brings me somewhere they won't hear us." You did good today." She says with a quick smile. " thanks, ma'am." She then stops walking and I stop with her. "Hmm?" I say in confusion.

" I don't know if this is unprofessional, but you and Dominik don't date off-screen right." She says looking down. I laugh to myself " he has a fiancé." I say smirking. She looks up at me, " I knew that" and she awkwardly laughs. " why do you want to know?" I saw smirking at her. She was gonna say something but she was interrupted.

"Demi!" it's a deep voice. We both jump and she scoots away from me. We both turn to see Damian." Let's go I'm starving" I turn to look at Taylor." Do you wanna come Taylor" She looks at me with confusion. " totally let's go Taylor" Damian answers for her. "Uh-" she says. " let's go!" She follows me to our cars and we pick a place to eat.


 𝑯𝒆𝒓 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒓 ⫘⫘ Rhea ripley حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن