Chapter 8: Unexpected Twists

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Evelyn's Pov

"Long time no see, beautiful," he says. My breath gets caught in my throat.

"Hi, Benjamin." I turn my seat, making myself more comfortable and looking directly at him, momentarily forgetting that Liam's arm is around my chair, and he doesn't let go.

"Hey, Evelyn," he smiles, and my stomach fills with butterflies. I'm so nervous; I could almost vomit.

But why do I feel like this? It's only the second time we've had a proper conversation. I promised myself and my mother that I wouldn't fall head over heels for a guy in college, especially an ice hockey player (Dad's rule).

Sebastian and Ryan walk up behind Benjamin, both looking at me. Sebastian smiles and taps Ryan on the shoulder, saying, "See, I told you."

I open my mouth to speak to Benjamin, but Liam beats me to it. "Hey, Benjamin, what brings you over here?" Benjamin looks down at Liam's hand gripping my chair.

Liam's grip tightens when he realizes that Benjamin's attention is there. I love Liam so much; I've known him for all 20 years of my life. But he doesn't seem to understand that I'm not in love with him.

"I just saw Evelyn sitting over here and thought I should come over to say hi," Benjamin replies to Liam. His jaw was tight and the veins in his arm were strong and pulsing. Showing all his muscles in his arms and chest as the shirt clings to him.

"Oh, I should probably introduce you to the group. You know Liam already " I make my hand around. I point my finger at Aria "This girl next to me is Aria, and next to Liam is Caleb and Noah. Next to Noah are Lila and Stella."

" Hi everyone, sorry I don't mean to be rude and disturb anyone " Benjamin apologizes.

"Hi guys, I mean to disturb anyone and everyone. I'm Ryan Miller, I play Ice Hockey with this shit heads "Ryan introduces himself as he hits Sebastian on the back of his head. "Wait, oh wow," he exclaims, his eyes fixed on Lila.

"Hi," Lila replies, blushing.

Benjamin turns to me, and his gaze softens. "I was just wondering when the next time you'll be meeting up with the team. Coach said he forgot to ask for a schedule."

As Benjamin's question hangs in the air, the atmosphere at the table becomes charged with a blend of curiosity and amusement. Harper, Lila, and Stella exchange wide-eyed glances, their cheeks tinted with blushes that give away the silent understanding passing between them. Noah and Caleb, on the other hand, wear expressions of confusion, exchanging puzzled looks that silently communicate their shared bewilderment. Aria giggles at this interaction.

Caleb, strategically positioned between Liam and Noah, leans over to nudge Liam's arm, a questioning look on his face. "Dude, what's going on?" he asks, trying to make sense of the unexpected thing that is going on.

Meanwhile, Sebastian, with an undeniable air of triumph, smirks behind Benjamin and turns to Ryan. "I told you, you idiot. You owe me twenty bucks."

Ryan, refusing to admit defeat just yet, shoots back, "Nothing has happened yet, so I owe you nothing, Seb." It escalates between the two friends as Sebastian playfully starts hitting Ryan, and Ryan tries to hit Sebastian in his sensitive area. Sebastian nearly trips, dodging Ryan's attempt, and almost lands on me.

Instantly, both Benjamin and Liam extend their arms to shield me. Benjamin grabs Sebastian first, outmaneuvering Liam in the process. Aria, witnessing the unexpected turn of events, is clearly taken aback. I can almost read her mind - Sebastian is undeniably attractive, a fact I had acknowledged the first time I laid eyes on him when we bumped into each other. She runs her tongue over her lips, her eyes giving him an up-and-down appraisal.

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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