Chapter 5: Amelia's Defense

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Amelia's Pov (Evelyn's sister )

Evelyn left the room, her frustration and concern evident in every step. Determination surged within me. My older sister deserved to pursue her passions without being stifled by our father's unreasonable restrictions. Excusing myself from the table, I followed Evelyn's path.

I found her standing in the dimly lit hallway, shoulders tense, and gaze fixed on the floor. "Evie," I called gently, reaching out to touch her arm. She looked up, a mix of emotions playing across her face.

"Amelia, I just don't understand why he's so against it," she said, her voice wavering. "He never explains anything; he just forbids it. I'm so sick of him always forbidding stuff without any reason. He just does what he thinks."

I nodded, empathizing with her frustration. "I know, Evie. But we can't let Dad's stubbornness control your life. You're talented, ambitious, and you deserve to explore your interests. Who gives a shit of what he thinks."

Evelyn sighed, leaning against the wall. "I appreciate that, Mia, but Dad won't hear any of it. He's set on keeping me away from ice hockey. God, I'm so sick and tired of it."

A spark of determination ignited within me. "Well, then it's time someone made him listen. I'll be right back"


I knock on my father's study, waiting for his response. My heart is racing, I normally don't have arguments or go against my father, but what he is doing to Evelyn is not fair. She doesn't deserve to be treated this way as she has never gone against him.

"Come in " I hear my father call out from inside his office.
I stare into the dark wood of the door, telling myself that I can do this. Did I want to fight my father and get in a fight with him? No. But Evelyn needs this and when she can't help herself I have to.

I enter the office and close the large door. My father looks up from his work "If you have come to fight about Evelyn and ice hockey then don't waste your time, I don't have time for this Mia" he says before either even open my mouth.

My heart stings " But you have time for work? You have time for rules and demands, but not for your own daughter's happiness?" I retort, my voice surprisingly steady despite the turmoil within.

Dad glares at me, his eyes reflecting a mix of frustration and exhaustion. "This is not about happiness, Mia. It's about protecting her from something you wouldn't understand."

I take a deep breath, steadying myself. "Dad, you're not protecting her; you're suffocating her. Evelyn is not a child anymore. She's capable of making her own choices and facing the consequences. Why can't you see that she's trying to find her own path, her own happiness?"

He leans back in his chair, fingers steepled beneath his chin. "You think this is about happiness? Life is not a fairy tale, Amelia. It's about responsibilities and making the right decisions."

"But at what cost, Dad? Do you not remember that since she was a kid she has always wanted to go to ice hockey games and play it? When she started college she begged you to let her play or even watch but you were selfish. Now she gets the opportunity to do the marketing for it but you say you forbid it. Evelyn is sacrificing her dreams for your fears, Is that the life you want for her?" I challenge, my determination unwavering.

He sighs, a heavy and tired exhale. "You're too young to understand Mia, you are only 16. There are things you don't know."

"Then tell me, Dad. Help me understand why you're so against ice hockey and the people associated with it. What happened that made you ban her from that part of her life?" I plead, my eyes searching his for a glimpse of the father I used to know.

He rubs his temples as if massaging away the weight of some hidden burden. "Some things are better left in the past, Amelia. The Ice Hawks and that world... it's not something I want Evelyn involved in."

"But she loves it, Dad. Ice hockey is a part of who she is. You can't just erase that because of your fears," I argue, frustration bubbling within me.

He meets my gaze, weariness etched across his face. "I'm doing what I believe is best for her, even if she can't see it now."

I shake my head, unwilling to accept his justification. "Dad, you're pushing her away. Is that what you really want?"

Before he can respond, I turn and leave the room, closing the door behind me. My father's study, once a sanctuary, now feels like a battleground of conflicting ideals. I know I can't change his mind easily, but for Evelyn's sake, I won't give up trying.


I walk from my father's study to my parents' bedroom, a determined urgency propelling me forward. The need to talk to my mother about Evelyn consumes me.

I knock on the door, the sound echoing through the room. My mom's voice responds, permitting me to enter. As I step inside, I close the door behind me, leaning against it. The cool touch of the silver knob digs into my back, grounding me. My feet sink into the plush carpet as I wait for my mom to break the silence.

"Amelia," my mom acknowledges me from her vanity, her voice carrying a mix of warmth and weariness. I love my mother deeply, but there's a part of her that always yields to my father's influence. She possesses her own beliefs and thoughts, yet when faced with my father's opposition, it's as if he has a magical sway that bends her convictions.

She casually flicks her hair over her shoulder, legs crossed elegantly. Her makeup-free skin looks flawless, a small smile playing on her lips, while her eyes betray a hint of sadness.

"I cannot believe you, Mom," I shake my head, a profound disappointment settling in. Pushing myself off the door, I take a few steps into the room, my arms gesturing as I continue.

"How could you possibly let this go on for this long, letting Dad do this to Evelyn? She's miserable, Mom. You've seen it. We've all seen it," I express, my frustration seeping into every word.

Mom sighs, turning to face me fully. "Amelia, you don't understand the complexities of our family dynamics. There are things you're not aware of."

I cross my arms, unwilling to accept vague explanations any longer. "Then make me aware, Mom. What is so terrible that Dad has to control every aspect of Evelyn's life? She's your daughter too, and she deserves better than this."

Her gaze falters for a moment, guilt flashing in her eyes. "Your father believes he's protecting her."

"Protecting her from what? Happiness? Fulfillment? Love? You know better than anyone how much she has always wanted this in secret. Making herself believe she didn't after years of dad saying no ." I challenge, my voice rising.

"Amelia, don't raise your voice," she warns, a hint of nervousness in her tone.

"Why do you always let him call the shots? You're stronger than that. Evelyn needs you right now, not another enabler," I implore, desperation creeping into my words.

Mom stands and walks over, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. "I love you both, Amelia. But your father... he has his reasons, even if they seem misguided. We can't force him to change his mind."

"Mom, Evelyn is your daughter too. You can't just stand by and watch her life crumble because Dad says so," I plead, my eyes searching hers for a sign of resistance.

Her grip on my shoulder tightens briefly before she pulls me into a hesitant embrace. "I'll talk to your father, but I can't promise anything, Amelia. Some wounds run too deep."

As she releases me, I nod, appreciating the small concession. "It's better than nothing, Mom. For Evelyn's sake."

I leave her room, the weight of the situation lingering in the air. One step at a time, I'll do whatever it takes to help Evelyn break free from the chains our father has wrapped around her dreams she keeps denying she wants.

A/N Heyy, I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it, please forget to like, vote, and follow.

What would you have done in Amelia in her place, protect Evelyn, or leave it alone?

See you soon !

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