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Dontavius' POV

I haven't heard from Diamond at all today, but I'm not entirely shocked about that. I know how he gets when he's forced to think too much about his family and his past.

He's at a low point right now and he doesn't want me to see him weak...

I love him more than anything and he knows that, but at the end of the day we're still black men raised in the hood. We weren't raised to show or be open with our emotions, even with those who love me the most. So I understand why he's been MIA.

I just hope that he's getting over this on his own and not getting under someone to forget about it... Because if that was the case, he could've got under me.

I'm choosing not to think too much about him possibly being with someone else right now. I need to be focusing anyway.

"You listenin' to me, Diamond?" OG's old ass asked me, forcing me out of my thoughts. I'm not Diamond, but I see no point in correcting him. He always gets our names mixed up. Usually Diamond is here to correct him, but seeing as he's not here and I hate talking, I simply nodded my head to let him know I was listening.

He gave me an unconvinced look, then rolled his eyes and continued. "As I was saying... I need you to do some enforcin' for me. Couple'a lil niggas on the corners been comin' up short on their payments. I've been lenient, but I think they need to be reminded that I don't play." I stared at him blankly when he finished speaking, making him let out an exasperated sigh. "Yes, you'll be getting paid." He added on.

"Aight." I mumbled as I stood up without another word.

"I need them scared but alive, Diamond." The older man called after me as I left his office.

I shrugged my shoulders without responding verbally. Whether or not they lived depended fully on how they responded to my threats.

This wasn't my first time being sent to enforce something for OG. The younger niggas in the game are afraid of me. I'm big and quiet and I ain't afraid to put a gun in a niggas face when I need to, so I'm often sent to deal with the dirty work.

It didn't take long to find the group I was looking for. They were all standing on a corner together talking and laughing like there wasn't money to be made. I watched them for a minute before getting out of my car with a blunt hanging from my lips and walking towards them.

As I got closer, one of the boys noticed me, and I watched his eyes widen before he started frantically tapping the others until they all turned to stare at me.

"Shit..." I heard one of them whisper as I got closer. They knew that seeing me was never a good thing. "H-Hey, Dontae. Whatchu doin' here?"

Who the fuck is Dontae? I know this nigga didn't just try to give me a nickname...

Instead of answering his question, I took a long drag from my blunt before blowing the smoke out towards them. "Do I have to threaten you?" I finally spoke, keeping it simple.

"I'd very much prefer if you didn't." The kid responded nervously.

I nodded my head, then sighed and continued. "OG say you ain't bringin' in enough money... Don't make me have to see you again, aight?"

Each of them quickly began to nod their heads—well... all except one.

"Y'all just gon' let this nigga bitch you like that?" One of the boys scoffed, making the rest of them turn to look at him with wide, scared eyes. "What? This nigga ain't scary. Gay ass nigga be gettin' bitched out by Diamond."

One of the boys put his hands over his mouth while another laughed awkwardly and tried to push the loud mouth away from me. "Ha ha, come on Q. Don't talk like tha-"

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