Are you...

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     It has been weeks after Veneer's mysterious attack, the radio broadcaster reported, his deep voice creating an eire atmosphere to broadcaster listening. And just a day after that, the social light sweeping Song Birds fan pages, Reenev, claimed his friend, now proven to be girlfriend, may have been taken by the same people. Hundreds and hundreds of post have been posted on the fan page regarding the disappearance of Silent Strings turned Vocal Queen, Calypso Gleam, begging for anyone with information to come forward. The gothic dreamboat "fans words not mine" posted this video recently pleading for the safe return of his sweetheart. We have that audio recording here folks. Let's listen.

"Hello my fellow Song Nation," Reenev greeted, his voice full of melancholy. "It's the three week anniversary of the day Calypso went missing..." a shaky breath can be heard over the audio feed. "No one has seen a glimps of her since that day, no one has heard from her since that day...I'm...I'm scared something really bad has happen to her..." a small sniffle snuck its way into the audio. " I thank all of you that are keeping Calypso's face everywhere, the shrine y'all made for her outside the Boom Box where she used to play is really helping get her face out there. I especially want to thank Veneer and Velvet for graciously pushing back their Rage Bowl event, so we can focus on finding her. And those of you sharing my post and videos asking for help are really a great support. But, please, if you are listening, and you have Calypso. Please..." paused, holding back a whimper that wanted to escape. "Please just give her back. She doesn't need this, she has done nothing to deserve this. And, if by some glimmer of hope, your listening Calypso, know we are looking for you, I'm looking for you! And I will not stop until you are back home..." he paused for a moment, letting out a shaky breath before he finished speaking. "I love you, and always will."

"Wow" Poppy said, her cheek resting glumly on the arm rest as the audio broadcast ended. "That is the most sweet/depressing/loving/cry inducing audio that I have ever heard. It even made Branch tear up." Everyone's attention turned to Branch, who was using the sleeve of his shirt to whip his eyes.
"No I'm not," Branch argued. "I just have something in my eye, that just so happened to get in there right when that guy was talking."

"It's okay Baby Branch," John Dory said, walking over to his little brother and giving him a tight side hug. "It's okay for you to cry, you are our baby brother. The babies are always allowed to cry!"

"I'm. Not. A.Baby," Branch continued to argue as he struggled to break free of his eldest brothers iron grasp.

"Alright you two," Bruce interjected, his dad instincts kicking in. "Cut it out, we need to focus on what's important. Finding clay so that we can save our brother from the evil Velvet and Veneer!"

"Your right," John Dory exclaimed, releasing his grip on his younger brother, causing branch to fall first to the floor. "But you know...when we finish all of this. I wouldn't mind meeting up with that Reenev guy, he sounds like a great sensitive person. Could be prefect for a band(he whispered that last part to himself)"

"What was that," the occupancy of Rebeca asked in unison. "Oh nothing!"

With that, Rebeca suddenly came to a halt, jerking everyone who wasn't fastened in to lurch forward. Everyone rubbing their scalps heard Tiny Diamond exclaim, "we are here!"

As the step off John's companion/vehicle, they stared up into the fog,  aminous glowing letters being one of the only light sources available at the moment. "Are you sure this is the right place," Branch inquired, looking around cautiously.
"Let's see," Tint Diamond started, a hint of sarcasm laced his words. "Considering our GPS is a dog/car thing that used rank underpants to lead us hear. No I'm not!!!"

As the gang wandered to find any hint of what this place could be, Poppy tripped over a large pile of wood, landing with an "ooofff." As she brushed herself off, she noticed this wood does look like any normal wood, it was painted and polished. Light blues and purples swirling around each other, small gold fibers were fraying from different parts.
She picked up on price that seemed to have some writing on it. "Cal.."poppy read, "who the heck is Cal?"
"Poppy where are you?" She heard branch calling. "We found the entrance!"
"Coming" she called back, placing the price of wood in the puff of her skirt for later, and ran to her boyfriends side. When she finally rejoined her group, she was more perplexed then her companions. "It's a..."
"Mini golf course," Branch finished. The fog began to clear showing the rest of the run down course, dellapitated from years of unkept services.
"Nope" Tiny exclaimed, "not cool. This is not cool!"
"Well it wouldn't hurt to look around," Branch attempted to boost moral. "This is where Rebeca brought us, there could be a clue or two in there that could help use."
"That's some positive thinking bro" John Dory gave his baby brother a noggy before walking toward the entrance. "Let find our brother!!"

"Wow" tiny exclaimed, "this is a lot to take in. You telling me that there is a little society of trolls living here, and Veiva and Clay, poppy and Branches siblings, run this whole operation."
"That about sums it up," Viva confirmed, hugging the life out of her sister.
"Clay we need your help," Branch said, cutting straight to the point. "Floyd has been captured by the evil superstars, Velvet and Veneer, and they are sucking out his talent out to use it for their own. But he is trapped in a diamond prison, so..."
"The only way to save him is with a perfect family harmony.." clay finished. He thought about what his youngest brother just disclosed. "If it's to help Floyd, I'm in!"
The group cheered, but Branch noticed his recently reunited brother was still thinking. "What's up clay?"
"Veneer, i have heard that name before," he rubbed his chin, trying to pin point exactly where he might know that name.
"They are all over the sound waves bro," Bruce stated matter of factly, "they are...were a my family's most listened to soundtrack."

"No, no, our radio has been broken for a while." Clay closed his eyes, the answer is so close he could taste it. Then, it finally hit.

"Our special guest," clay exclaimed. He turned to the group, puzzled looks we evident on all their faces. "Come on, I'll show you!"
And with that, the group follows Clay and Viva to the back right corner of the park.


At the very edge of the park, hidden in the corner away from everyone, sat a figure. It was hard for the group to make out, until they got closer. It had dark black hair, slightly tangled. It also had two pure white, long, arms and legs, all parts littered with slash marks and burn scars, brushes and scratch marks (which looked like.) the clothes it was wearing are shredded in parts, put others looked like they patched up with pieces of fabric found around the park. They couldn't get a good look at its face since it was buried within her knees. But, just from what they could see, the it was a she and she was in pretty bad shape.

"Who is this," Branch questioned, slowing his pace and becoming more cautious, which earned a giggle from Viva and Clay.

"No need to worry Branch," Viva insisted, "Star Shine is friendly."

"Star Shine" the group questioned in unison.

"Well, that's not really her name," clay admitted, walking toward her and placing a hand on her leg, signaling her that someone was here to check on her. "Ever since she's been here, she has only said about a handful of things. From the looks of it and the way we found her, she was not subjected to the best conditions."
He looked at Star Shine, tapping her leg again. "Hey Star Shine," Clay called, "it your old pale Clay. I wanted to check up on your wounds. Could you help me up."
That was when the girl finally lifted her head from her knees, revealing her tear stricken face. Thankfully, her face didn't seem to have any perminate  damage one, only a small cut just below her jawline. But her eyes were filed with so much pain and sorrow, the group felt an overwhelming sense of dread.
"OMG," Poppy shouted, appalled at the condition this poor teen is in. "What happened to her?"
"Well," Viva began, "The only thing our troll security was able to witness was a black hover cruiser screeching to a halt in the parking lot. Then the doors slide open and this girl was thrown out like garbage, along with a violin, but that shattered into pieces upon impact."
Viva frowned recollecting the memories of that day, "Believe it or not, she was worse when she we brought her in three weeks ago, poor thing."

Poppy listened closely to what her sister just explained, then a light bulb went off.
"When did you say she was thrown into the parking lot," poppy questioned, just to confirm what she heard.
"Uh, three weeks.." viva repeated. "Why?"
Poppy looked from her sister, back to "star shine." Looking closely at her feature, then reaching back to her skirt to pull out that beautiful piece of wood.
"Cal.." Poppy read, catching the attention of her boyfriend. "That's no what it's supposed to say, it's broken off."
"Your right," Branch confirmed, then looked over to his girlfriend. "You don't think?"
"What is it bro" John interjected. But, before he could get an answer, poppy walked forward, catching raven haired girls attention, they locked eyes as poppy took a deep breath.

"I know, from the looks of it, you've been through a lot of trama," she began placing a hand against the toe of the girls boot. "But...are you Calypso Gleam."

The girl became visibly stiffer, causing Clay to almost fall while her was checking out her shoulder, but she caught him before he went to far. She scanned the group of tiny trolls, all their faces filled with anticipation.

She took a deep breath.
"Y..y..yes. I'm Cal...lyoso. Nice to meet you all."

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