Follow My Lead

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The sun was at its peak point when Calypso returned to her place in front of the club. Veneer had branched off a couple of blocks away to grab a few things for his "plan." Shes still not 100% sure what this plan in tales, all he said was, "Play your fan favorite song and I'll follow your lead." Whatever that means, she thought.

She took a moment, re tuning her violin as a small group of children began to flock.

"Your finally here!" The little red head with pigtails squeaked.

"Yay, where were you. Your never late, did you get get kidnapped," one of the boys with blue curls asked

"Maybe you she was signing a deal with Boom box!" Another kid shouted.

"I think she found herself someone special and was on a date..." that statement ignited a choir of oh "oooohhhhhs" and giggle to erupt from the group of children, in turn earning an eye roll and a sigh from the violinist. She shooed the children off so she could get set up for her first performance of the day. Readying her violin, she took a quick look over of the crowd, looking for any sign of the green haired wonder, but all she saw was intrigued passerbyers and the gaggle of children from before, patiently waiting to begin. Can't wait forever she thought, smiling at the crowd as she positioned her bow over the golden strings. Time to get this show started.

And with that thought, Calypso began her crowd favorites.

She never understood why this intrigued lookers. Maybe it was the care free vibe, the mischievous nature, or possible the choreography she created for this piece, but every time the crowd hears Shadows, it always seemed to draw a huge crowd.
She glided across the smooth pavement, her feet almost hovering a top the asphalt. Calypso was fully engulfed in the melody, she almost didn't notice the an individual parting their way through the crowd, just at the resting his feet just at the edge of the circle.
He wasn't like most of the on lookers. Instead of a jump suit, he wore a dark black jean jacket, loose black sweats, and black platform boots. His hair was as black as Calypso's and pulled back into a loose man bun. His eyes were concealed by his dark sunglasses. He defiantly stood out from the rest of the colorful patrons, and this caused Calypso to falter in her footing. She was intrigued by this new comer, he looked different, but was familiar at the same time.

The crowd grew silent, watching the silent interaction go down. The group of children from before, gripped each others hands in anticipation.

The raven haired teen signaled for Calypso to keep playing, placing a hand on his hip while he waited. Calypso, adjusting her grip on her bow, took a step to the right. In turn, the on looked took a step to his left. This grabbed Calypso's attention. To insure she wasn't just seeing things, she took a step to the right. He a step to the left. Lean to the right, he lean to left. He was mirroring her every move.

I'll follow your lead. Veneers words reverberated in her ears. She took a closer look at this mystery man. Slightly titling his glasses down, he revealed a set of sparking violet eyes, and gave her a simple wink.

Veneer! Calypso was shocked. He completely transformed himself, so he wouldn't be recognize. All so that he could help Calypso out. She smiled at him and mouthed, "Follow my lead." He nodded to signal he got her message.

And with that, Calypso and Veneer vaulted from their squatting position, and continued to play. They circled one another, every move perfectly mirrored as if he was her shadow. As her set grew faster, their sets got quicker, never missing a beat. They were in perfect sync. They drew closer and closer, circling around each other. This interaction was making the crowd go nuts. And when the finally tempo drew near, the duo halted , inches away from one another, close enough they could feel each other panting breaths and accelerated heart beats.

At the end, the crowd was going nuts! They were cheering, clapping, some even throwing their money, and a couple fainted here and there. However, they couldn't break Calypso's attention from Veneer. She watched his smile grow wide, as he straightened himself out. She was amazed at his level of commitment, persistence and loyalty. He went completely out of his way to give himself a make over, disguise himself, so he could help her reach more people.

She looked out to the crowd, the masses causing an uproar, cheering her name "Calypso, Calypso!" The cheering crowd not only caused her brother to come running by, but the owner of the Boom Box.

"What's going on out here?" He questioned, watching the slew of teams chanting out Calypso name. When he realized who they were chanting for, he looked over to the street performer with a large smile. "I see your talent has been recognized. Keep it up kid, and you might get a spot on the stage!" He patted her shoulder, and made his way back into the venue, the crowd cheering for an on core.

She looked to Veneer with a great full smile. "Thank you," she mouthed.

"Non sense, all I did was follow your lead." He smirked and looked out amongst the crowd. "How about we give this crowd what there asking for." Placing his hand on his hip, he turned to face the crowd. Calypso smiled up at him. She turned to the roaring crowd, with her bow at the ready.

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