I'm sorry

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Breaking news. Super star, and teen heart throb, Veneer, was found, unconscious, on the outskirts of Mount Rageous earlier this morning. The news caster informed the public of the recent events. Discovered by a couple during their morning hike, they found the teen sensation unresponsive, but breathing curled in the fetal position. They called authorities immediately upon their discovery. According to onlookers at the scene, Veneer was transported to Rock on Memorial Hospital with minor injuries. But fans are worried for him, we are all worried for him. And I think we are all wondering, what happened, and is our city safe!

Alistor slammed the breaks, sending his hover cruiser to a screeching halt as he pulled into the Rock On Memorial Hospital parking lot . Throwing the gear shift into park, the concerned adult jumped from his driver seat, walking with urgency to the front entrance. Pushing his way past the multiple camera crews and social influencers trying to get the latest updates on the current drama, Alistor received a lot of curses and insults, but he didn't care, he had questions and they were going to get answered, one way or another.

As he entered the pristine hospital lobby, he jogged over to the front desk. "Excuse me," he said, earning the attention of the red head lady manning the station.

"Yes sir, how may I help you?"
"Yep...uh" Alistor was taking deep breaths, trying to keep his cool. "I need to see Veneer please, it's urgent."
"I'm sorry sir," she said sweetly, reviewing the clipboard information before addressing him again. "Veneer is still under evaluation and will not be able to receive any guests. And based on his high status, I'm not sure..."
She was interrupted by a large bang when Alistor smacked his hand against the hard marble counter. All eyes in the waiting room were on him now.

"Please, I know he was with my sister last night. She didn't come home, if anyone has any idea of where she is, it's him!! So please, I'm begging you!!" He vigorously shook his foot and tapped his finger against the marble, trying to gather his cool before he lost it on this poor receptionist. He knew she was just doing her job, but that was getting in the way of finding his sister.

The receptionist looked at the man in front of her, pity smeared all over her face. She signaled to the guard that began to approach to back off, she could handle this.

"Sir I'm sorry about you situation, but we have policies in place to insure the safety of our...."
"Of your clients!!! My sister is missing!" He exclaimed, banging his fists against the counter once more. Causing some on lookers to turn completely in their seats, some even pulling out their phones to record the current scene. "And I can insure you that her safety right now, relies on me getting some answers!" His voice increasingly getting louder with each word. "Because I'm not sure if you notice, when something happens to a regular person vs. a celebrity, all eyes are so busy with the stars well being, while the normal individuals situation seems to fall under the radar and are forgotten. Well, I'm not going to let that happen!!" He shouted. He looked the receptionist dead in the eyes, and with gritted teeth continued, "so if you could help me make sure my sister doesn't just become a face on a missing poster...I would really appreciate some help!"

Before the nurse behind the counter could object again, a small voice squeaked to life. "Alistor?" His head snapped to the left, catching the gaze of the duos assistant, Crimp, a concerned expression on her face.

She shuffled over to the desk, look up at the nurse. "It's okay, he's with me. This is the twins bodyguard." She turned to Alistor with a small smile. "Follow me," crimp beckons, waving him on to follow her.

"Thank you so much for your help," he said sarcastically as he glared at the nurse who was scowling at him, before following the bouncing hair piece down the hallway till they came to room 105. Before Alistor could barge his way in, he felt a sharp tug on his pant leg.

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