Chapter 10

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Before I knew what was happening I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me into the kitchen.

"What's going on?" I yelled to Rowan. He didn't respond, he just grabbed my wrist and led me out of an employee exit. Before leaving the building, I glanced backward to see what all the commotion was. I saw a black creature with foam coming out of its mouth. Is that a dog? I was whipped out of the building before anything could register.

"Hurry Naomi. Get on my bike" He declared.

"What about-"My sentence was completely cut off by the sound of growling approaching from the doorway. Without a second thought, I hopped on his bike and we rushed off into the distance.

Forcing myself to look behind me I saw that malicious dog chasing after us. What is going on?

"Faster, faster. It's still behind us" I tried to yell over the wind slapping us in the face. The fear of not having a helmet on settling in.

No matter how fast Rowan went, the dog was keeping up. This is insane. We made a sharp left onto a main road causing me to lose my breath. Tons of zooming cars and intersections lay in front of us.

"Rowan" I heard coming behind me. It sounded more like a growl. Was that dog talking? I had so many questions. Why was no one concerned with this zooming bike and growling dog chasing us? It was like they were oblivious.

"Omg watch out" I yelped as I saw a giant semi-truck about to cross before us. Rowan showed no signs of slowing down. I could feel him tense, causing me to wrap my arms around him tighter.

"Rowan!" I shouted out as we nearly collided with the semi.

I turned to check the ravenous dog behind us only to see nothing. That semi should have hit it. Now I'm really confused.

"I think that dog is gone" I shouted.

Rowan continued racing down the streets unbothered.


"This is where you live?" I asked as we stepped into a luxurious penthouse apartment.

"Yes," he said coldly, throwing his keys onto a countertop. He went over to the television and switched on the news. A reporter talking about the Thanksgiving season appeared. After that, he began pacing the room looking as stressed as stressed out can be.

"Rowan, what is going on?" I asked loudly, the adrenaline from the chase still running thick through my body. He stopped pacing and faced me. His stormy eyes glued to mine. If we were in a different situation my underwear would be goners.

"I will drop you off today and you will forget everything that happened at the restaurant. I'm not sure why I even brought you here." He said assertively.

"Why do you think you can randomly talk to me like I will do whatever you say!? What the fuck just happened today?" I demanded.

"Why doesn't that work on you?" He asked, more to himself than me.

"Why doesn't what-"Before I could finish the news television flashed a photo of the restaurant where we got ambushed.

"Today a bizarre incident at the restaurant Ciscos caused a lot of concerns for pet owners across the city. Customers report a dog got into the establishment causing chaos with the diners. A witness grabbed video footage of the animal as it was roaming around the restaurant. " The reporter stated.

Rowan and I gathered around the TV as the video showed an image of an ordinary dog wandering around the restaurant, eating people's food, until it finally went into the kitchen and out the back door.

"Here's a statement from a witness on scene." The reporter spoke, placing the microphone in front of a blonde lady. "People need to keep control of their animals so this kind of thing doesn't happen." Before the lady could finish her statement Rowan switched the TV off and began pacing again..

"Wait a minute that can't be right. We both saw that thing right? It was like something straight out of a horror movie." I blurted out, astonished at the news report.

Rowan just looked at me blankly.

"If no one else there could see it. How can you?"

"I have no idea what's going on, Rowan! Explain something." I asked, getting worked up. He just continued to stare at me, unsure what to say.

"I need to use the bathroom," I replied. He pointed towards the hallway and made his way to his couch. I turned down the hallway and made it to the bathroom door.

I saw a shattered mirror and towels stained red. I was getting a little scared now. I pulled out my phone to see a million messages from Lianna. I clicked on her contact and called her.

"Where the fuck have you been. Had me worried all night?" She blurted on the phone.

"I know, I know. Just relax, I'm okay and I'll be home soon." I responded, feeling guilty about keeping all this from her.

"I want to know exactly what happened. Fully detailed too." She joked back. She still assumes the date went well. I heard a knock on the door followed by Rowan's voice.

"I need to talk to you when you're done." He said.

"Oh my god is that him?" I heard Lianna say loudly from the phone.

"I have to go Li. I'll see you soon" I hung up before I could hear her answer and exited the bathroom.

"Yes?" I said coming around the corner and into the living room where Rowan was looking desperately at his phone.

"This may sound odd but you can't go home tonight. It's not safe out there. You saw that helldog and so far this is the only place it hasn't attacked.

"From the looks of it, the dog was looking for you. Wouldn't I be safer away from you?" I asked, confused.

"You saw it and no one else could. There's something different about you. To be honest, I think you might be involved in some way."

Involved in some way?

"Involved in what?" I questioned.

"I couldn't even be sure," He sighed. He walked over to a closet and started pulling out blankets and pillows. He was serious about me not leaving.

"You can't force me to stay here," I said with my arms crossed.

"You want to bet?" He said, assertion in his face. I guess I have no choice. No matter what facade I put on I was terrified of that dog and the news only made me more afraid that I was involved.

"Fine, but I call the bed," I said with a serious face.

His facial expression softened just barely. If I wasn't starring already I would have missed it.

"You look cute when you're being all sassy." He said as he started to lay on the couch. "I was giving you the bed anyway." 

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