Chapter 2

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The walk back to my car felt the longest. I only lived ten minutes away from the bar and I could drive this route with my eyes closed. I stumbled with my keys to get the door unlocked and when I finally got the car turned on I read the time on my console. 3:23 a.m. it stared back at me. What am I doing with my life?

Whatever. I shifted my gear into drive. I felt the alcohol was slowly starting to wear down; I could feel the negative thoughts creeping back up my spine and into my brain. I should have crashed at the hotel with those two Spanish girls but my head just wasn't in it. I needed space. I thought back to my mom. She always knew what to say when I felt like this no matter if it ended up helping or not.

Thud thud thud!

The rain brought me back to my drive. It was starting to come down thick. I looked over towards my mirrors. I couldn't see anything. Where did all this rain come from? Almost as soon as the thought came to mind a black shadow appeared on the road causing me to spin out of control and hit something hard before coming to a complete stop. When I looked back at the road behind me there was nothing there. Was the alcohol playing tricks on me? Confused, I looked back towards my car and that's when I saw it.

I immediately got out of my car and stumbled over to a horrific sight.

Dark liquid dripped from my car and not too far away was a man lying lifeless on the ground.

This can't be happening I thought. I reached into my pocket to call 9-1-1. After I told them the address I hung up and ran over to him. He looked to be about middle-aged. I caught the gleam of a wedding band around his finger as well. How could I have done this? I skimmed the road again for any signs of objects in the road. Was I imagining things?

I heard sirens in the distance and before I knew it there were sirens attached to men with questions.

"What were you doing out at this time of night?" One officer questioned while an ambulance took the man away.

"I own a bar closer to the city" I responded after a while. My eyes unconsciously kept shooting around the scene. People always talk about initial shock after an accident but I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Sir I need you to cooperate." Another officer stated sternly. "Will you take a breathalyzer test?"

"Yes," I answered. Fuck!

The initial officer went over to his vehicle to get the required equipment. The second officer took this time to ask me more questions. He was slightly taller than the first officer and seemed a little older.

"Have you had anything to drink tonight," He questioned.

"Only a few" I naturally lied.

"We will see about that. What caused you to spin out of the road like that?" he continued to question me until the other officer reappeared. I tried my best to answer everything to the best of my ability but to be honest, even I thought it all sounded crazy. The rain that was just casting a thick haze over the area was now completely gone. I was stunned. The officers told me the instructions for the breathalyzer and I did my best to collaborate.

"That's odd." The older officer stated, "Your ABV count is 0.0%"

They retested me despite it yielding the same results twice in a row. That makes no sense.i tried not to look as shocked as them.

"Officers. I told you everything I know. I was driving and he must have crossed the street without seeing me coming. I tried to dodge him as you can see but to no prevail." I noted after an hour of more questioning.

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