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"Listen here, bitch, just because you're pretty doesn't mean I'll go easy on you" said Yujin, grabbing Wonyoung's collar.

"Get off me you jerk!" Yelled the other, pushing Yujin away. That only made things worse.


"How did you end up in here?" Asked the nurse as she held an ice pack to Wonyoung's swollen cheek.

"I don't know, ask Ahn Yujin" said Wonyoung through gritted teeth. Yujin was supposed to be Wonyoung's best friend, not her bully.

"Ah, Yujin. Always getting herself into trouble" sighed the nurse. "I heard she's close to getting suspension"

"She deserves it! After what she does to innocent students, she should be expelled!" Screamed the girl.

"The thing is, her father is the principal, so he can't expell his own daughter" said the nurse with furrowed brows.

"How outrageous! She was never like this in elementary school...what happened to her?" Asked Wonyoung.

"Well, don't ask how I found out but, she was like this ever since you moved to Yangsan. She blamed you for everything and vowed to never be friends with you" said the nurse.

"What?! it's not my fault we had to move! It was for my dad's business!" Said the injured girl practically screamed.

"Calm down, Wony, Calm down" said the nurse soothing the angered Wonyoung.

"This is stupid" said Wonyoung folding her arms and pouting.

"Well, you're all good to go" said the nurse, taking the ice pack away from Wony's cheek."You better get to lesson"

"I'm going now then, bye unnie!" Said Wonyoung as she walked to her next lesson.


"Alright, I'll put you guys in partners". Said Mr Park.

"Let's see... Liz and Rei, Gaeul and Leeseo and....Wonyoung and Yujin!"

"Ain't no freaking way" Thought Wony. There was absolutely no way that she would work with Yujin. But sadly, there was a way.

"Mr Park, can I swap partners? I don't wanna be with someone who could be a threat to me" said Wonyoung, eyeing up Yujin as she did the same.

"I'm sorry, Wonyoung, but there's just no time to change partners" Sighed Mr Park. "Yujin, if you in any way hurt Wonyoung, that's 3 months of detention" He said, turning to Yujin.

"Whatever" shrugged Yujin. As much as she tried to hide it but failed, a huge smirk appeared on Wonyoung's face.

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