The Epic Collab

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YN immerses herself in thoughts, contemplating the unexpected encounter with Jimin, her phone rings, interrupting the reverie. Mrs. Ri, her publisher, is calling.

YN (answering the call) Hello, Mrs. Ri?

MRS. RI (enthusiastically) YN, I have fantastic news! We're ready to release the next part of your webtoon series and your book.

YN's eyes light up with excitement.

YN (grinning) That's incredible news! When can we discuss the details?

MRS. RI How about you come over to my office? We can have a discussion and plan the release strategy.

YN agrees, feeling a surge of anticipation.


YN and Mrs. Ri sit across from each other, surrounded by sketches and manuscripts.

MRS. RI - The buzz around your webtoon series is incredible, YN. The readers can't wait for the next part.

YN (grateful) I'm thrilled to hear that. Let's make sure the release lives up to the expectations.

They dive into a discussion, mapping out the promotional plan and release schedule for both the webtoon series and the book.

MRS. RI (smiling) Your storytelling has a magical touch, YN. It's no wonder the audience is captivated.

YN (modestly) I owe it to the inspiration I find in unexpected encounters.

As they finalize the plans, YN's mind occasionally drifts back to the encounter with Jimin, a source of inspiration for her creative endeavors.


After a productive discussion, YN leaves the publishing office, feeling a mix of excitement and gratitude.

YN (whispering to herself) Destiny works in mysterious ways.She decides to take a stroll, reflecting on the journey that led her to this moment.


The week had been a whirlwind of creativity in Mrs. Ri's office. YN and her publisher were deep into discussions about the upcoming releases, surrounded by storyboards and character sketches strewn across the table.

Mrs. Ri, immersed in her laptop, was typing furiously, finalizing details.Suddenly, a triumphant scream erupted from Mrs. Ri. YN, caught off guard, leaped from her chair, sketch pads scattering like confetti.

YN (wide-eyed) What happened? Are you okay?

Mrs. Ri, grinning like the Cheshire Cat, pointed at her laptop screen.

YN squinted, then her eyes widened in disbelief.

MRS. RI (excitedly) Hybe just contacted us! They want a collaboration with BTS for your series!

YN (jaw dropping) You're kidding! BTS, the global sensation?

Mrs. Ri (nodding) Yes! They want to be part of the promotional campaign. Can you believe it?

YN (barely containing her excitement) This is unreal!

As they tried to process the thrilling news, Mrs. Ri received another message. Her eyes widened, and then she, too, let out an exuberant scream. YN, now thoroughly intrigued, couldn't wait any longer.

YN (impatiently) Okay, spill it! What's going on?

Mrs. Ri (breathless) Hybe just confirmed it! They want us in Hybe office next week to discuss the collaboration details with BTS!

YN (screaming) Hybe office? BTS? Pinch me, I must be dreaming!

The two women, caught up in the euphoria of the moment, shared a joyous, celebratory scream. They danced around the office, papers flying, embracing the sheer audacity of this unexpected turn of events.After the impromptu celebration, they settled back into their chairs, both grinning like kids in a candy store.

YN (still in disbelief) BTS wants to collaborate with us? How did this even happen?

Mrs. Ri (explaining) Apparently, they came across your webtoon series and fell in love with the storytelling. They think it aligns perfectly with their upcoming project.

YN (pinching herself) I need to make sure I'm not dreaming.

Mrs. Ri (chuckling) You're wide awake, YN. This is happening!

As reality sunk in, the two collaborators took a moment to breathe. Mrs. Ri then looked at YN with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

MRS. RI (teasing) So, are we up for this adventure yn ?

YN (grinning) Absolutely! But, wait, how did they even find my series?

Mrs. Ri (smirking) That's the beauty of the internet. Your work has created waves, and they caught the ripple.

YN (smiling) I guess creativity has no boundaries.

With newfound energy, they got back to work, the collaboration now adding an electrifying buzz to their creative process. Mrs. Ri started drafting an email to confirm their acceptance of the collaboration, and as she hit send, the room seemed to buzz with the excitement ......

To be continue..........

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