Chapter 3 D-D-DNA T-Test

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Girl :- b-b-blood

Oliver :- yes don't worry it will not hurt I will draw out your blood from your arm

Oliver :- be ready by tomorrow ok

Girl :- o-ok

Girl Pov

Another person came after I think 2 to 3 hours later when a person who came in morning left . I didn't see their faces but I could assume that he was a different person by his voice

He came and said he will draw out my blood . I don't wanna show him my arm and look pathetic In front of him .I was thinking what to do when I remembered I had a skin colour liquid thing that I stole from Alexandra's dressing table in my bag .

Before sleeping I'll apply that thing on both arms I think it will hide those things . I said to myself in a very very light voice . I got my dinner , I ate half a quarter of it .

When the light turned off, I took out that liquid thing, without making any sound, from the bag and applied it on both arms. It completely hid those scars and wounds. But as soon as I applied, my arms started aching.

Oliver Pov

I went to that girl's cell with the things I need for her DNA test. When I entered the cell, she was awake " Ok kid I am going to draw out your blood, so tell me from Which arm you want me to take blood from?" (Not in a soft voice nor cold just in a serious voice)

I asked her neither in a soft tone nor in a cold tone "Um girl I am asking you " I said when she didn't reply to me while I was taking out things from the kit.

" Um i-i-i d-dont k-k-know " the girl replied.

I started going near her, when I saw her backing off even though she was already touching the wall.

" I'm going to draw out blood from right arm so fold your sleeves " Even though she was scared she immediately did what I told her to After few minutes.

"All done " I said.

"Make sure you eat your breakfast properly. If you feel dizzy, tell the guards outside understood " I demanded her and left the cell with the blood Sample.

Girls Pov

I was so scared of that needle💉, when that person inserted the needled in my arm, the blood didn't come out for 10 seconds and started to come slowly. That person looked at me when the blood didn't come out. Thank God it's finished! I was trying my best not to shake and show i am scared but my hands started shaking due to which that person had to hold my arm.

I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but if these persons hate me then why are they giving me food to eat?

One eternity later sponge bob effect 😁

I was trying to sleep but couldn't because of the dizziness and headache. I know that person said to tell the guards.

But what if these persons also do the same as they used to do before. I was thinking this when a person came inside.

Person: - Hey, you girl tell me who sent you? What were you doing in our house huh? He said in a scary voice.

I tried to speak but I stuttered.

Person: - "I am asking you something ANSWER ME "said in a deep voice

"I-i-i n-n-o-o-one s-s-send me "" Then why are you here huh?" that person asked.

"I-i-i j-j-just c-c-came h-h-here t-t-to s-save myself. "

"Lier" that person said, " and can't you say something normally huh " At this point I was trying to hold my tears and shakiness his voice tone was making me scared and anxious.

Ethan Pov

This kid was testing my patience by stuttering. I know she is lying there must be another reason for her coming here I was already getting angry, so I went back Girl Pov

As soon as he went out, I started crying when all the lights turned off. Why I always do something bad? Why am I the bad luck?

While crying suddenly everything went blank


This chapter is short, I'm sorry about this. I hope you like this chapter.

What do you guys think why is she here? The thing she said to Andrew was true, or no?

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Have a really good day ahead!

Bye Bye 👋🏻!

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