Chapter 11 | Physical contact

Start from the beginning

"And what about kisses?" she wraps her arms around my body, and no matter how clingy she could seem, I love it. I would never admit it, but I love it so much. "No. Exact same answer," I do not agree, despite how tempting this is. "Don't you have to study?"

"I'll study when I'm home," she slides her arms away from my waist and lifts them up. "Pick me up, I need to tell you something."

"Well, you can tell me in this position," I hide my hands in the pockets of my trousers and lean forward to tease her, but she encircles my neck. "No, I have to say it in your ear without touching the floor."

I give in to her, disregarding what I know she could try to do, and I get my arms under her butt to pick her up into my arms.

"Wow, is that what it feels like to be so tall?" she looks around as if she had never seen the world the same way until now. "I'm not that tall."

"Are you kidding me? Six foot three is gigantic," she clenches her legs against my waist to feel safer, and I chuckle but look into her eyes. "What did you want to tell me?"

She moves her lips close to my ear, and I wait for her to speak, impatiently. However, she kisses the spot right below my ear and never says a single word, then she repeats this same action on my jawline, my cheek, and never stops.

"You're a fucking brat," I laugh and make my way to the sofa to drop her on it, but taking my arms away from her does not do the job at all, she remains stuck to me like glue, gently showering me with kisses. "I love you, my pretty and amazing Jungkook," she says a word between each peck, those words having a deeper meaning than what she would want me to believe.

I uncontrollably smile but grab her throat to simmer her down and push my head back. "Stop, or I'll tackle you down with force. Alright?"

Her features laying her happiness bare, she grips my wrist with one hand. "I'm just showing you affection, but it's fine, I'll stop."

"Get down," I tell her to do and take my hand off, and she obeys and ends on the sofa. "Good girl," I play a game I should not even start with her but leave right away to avoid any reaction from her.

"And you fight me when I call you daddy," she mutters under her breath as if I would not be able to hear, so I throw a glance at her but see that she did it on purpose.

"Don't even dare," I attempt to shut her up to not have to hear this word come from her again, and she stands up to walk up to me, following me like a puppy. "Or else what?" she crosses her arms and bends over the counter to check what I am doing, and I lay my hands down on the marbled surface. "Or else I take back from you the key to my house."

She does not blink but forces herself not to grin. "Who's gonna hug and kiss you if you ever do that? Hm?"

"No one, but I'm fine. I don't need it," I feign indifference as if I did not already need her all the time. "Oh, really?" she rests her chin on her hand, and I tell another lie but sit down on a stool and get my phone out. "Yeah. What do you wanna eat for dinner?"

"Where are you ordering?" she inches closer to look over my shoulder, and I open the application to give it to her. "Here. Order what you want," I turn my stool in her direction and gaze up at her. As she is focusing on the food they have, I drag my eyes to her hands but notice what looks like a stain on a sleeve of her cardigan, so I call attention to it and touch it. "What's that?"

She takes one hand off my phone to check what is the problem, but diresguards it pretty quick. "Matt. We fought in class when he had a white-out in his hands."

I stare at her, finding it hard to believe it, but at the same time, knowing for sure she would not lie so casually about something like that. "A white-out?"

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