Chapter 11 | Physical contact

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Perceiving all the excitement in her eyes, I open the gift in front of her to see what it contains, and when I set eyes on a thin ring, and a small heart plush toy with a happy face, I melt.

"I'm sorry if it's ugly, but it was my first time sewing," she points her finger at the plush toy, and I place the box inside the top to hold it in one hand. "You're the one who made this?" I grab the heart with astonishment, and she nods, looking at me with sparkling and loving eyes.

She is so sweet.

"This is so cute, it's not ugly at all. I love it so much," I smile but hide my emotions behind this, feeling truly overwhelmed by the feelings she caused inside me. She must not have any idea how deeply touched I am.

"Isn't this ring from a famous brand though? I've seen that design somewhere," I take a closer look at the silver jewelry with two different repeated symbols around it. "It's a Gucci one."

I rush my eyes up to hers as soon as I hear her words. "Are you kidding me, y/n? There's no way you bought something so expensive just for me."

"I did," she affirms, and no matter how much this means. I cannot be alright with this. "How much did you pay for this? You know that a cheap one would be more than enough to me."

"Why would I tell you the price of your gift? It doesn't matter," she refuses to say it, but I assert myself. "Y/n. This brand is expensive for no good reason at all, they just scam people. Tell me how much you paid."

She crosses her arms, and the look into her eyes turns bleak with disappointment. "I just wanted to make you happy and spoil you. Why do you have to react like that and ruin it?"

I sigh and regret my actions. "Spending time with you would make me just as much happy...I love this, it means a lot to me, and I didn't mean to react like that, but I just don't want you to waste money on me. You could've spent that on you."

"I wanted to spend it on you and no one else," she does not speak the same way anymore as I can tell from her tone of voice, and her eyes that I took the joy away from her.

I put the ring back in the box and hold the side of her face to press a kiss on her forehead. "Thank you. It really makes me happy, I mean it."

"It didn't seem like it a minute ago," she pouts and cannot shrug it off, so I try to make it up and take her in my arms while carefully holding the box in my hand. "I'm sorry. You know how I am with stuff like that."

"Hm," she hugs me back, nonetheless, and I pull away to grab the ring and put it on the ring finger of my right hand. "Finally," she puts her hand on mine and holds it. "You didn't know, but this ring is actually like a contract you agreed to by putting it on, so now, I gave you my heart, and you're all mine. Okay?"

I bring my eyes down to her lips and lick mine, and I scoff. "Don't even think about it," I move forth to force her to step back, but she does not. She raises her chin up to keep staring, not letting go of my hand. "It's too late, you're stuck with me now," she stands on her tiptoes and leaves a soft kiss on my jawline, and I smile but go back inside the car with her this time.

30 minutes later...

I drop my car keys on the kitchen counter and place the gift down, and I take my hoodie off, the weather getting much better these days, which means it is getting hotter.

"Can I hug you all day long?" y/n comes right behind me and touches my waist, and I open the gift box again to take the heart plush toy out. "No, I'm gonna get used to it if you do, so it's not good," I turn around and walk up to my TV, look for a good spot on the cabinet underneath it, and put the heart there so that I can always see it every day.

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